chapter 31

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Alice's POV

"They will not starve my whole day if I'll deny doing mafia training. So for food, I started doing training but never thought to kill someone"

"My mom always told me to have a good heart, to be a kind human then how can kill any human? But destiny wanted something else from me" a tear slipped from my eyes.


"Kill him!!"

"No I-I can't!!" I was crying looking at the person in front of me.

"So you will not?" He came closer to me "You know what will happen if you will not kill him?"

"YOU CAN KILL ME BUT I WON'T KILL ANYONE!!" I shouted and suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my cheeks.

"Babygirl... This isn't a place where you can die easily. Yes, we will kill you but with pain... Lemme show you"


"T-They ...." My breathing was getting uneven remembering that time. Elijah suddenly hugged me. I needed it and hugged him more tightly.

"They tied me and hit me with a belt, it was not enough... The-y..." was taking deeper breaths and tears were flowing yet my face wasn't showing any emotion.

Elijah patted my Back "it's fine... If you can't tell...shh it's ok" he softly cooed to me.

"The-y b-burnt me with h-hot iron rod" he felt Elijah's hold tighten. "It was so painful Elijah!"

"It's fine....shh.."

"So to save myself I started killing"

I remembered that old hag's word's


I was moaning in pain lying on the floor with my burnt back.

I saw him entering my cell, he grabbed my hair. "Alice...To live you need to kill people"


"That's how they invented a ghost in their mafia gang" Elijah looked confused.

"A ghost in a mafia world is someone who kills but is unknown to everyone... A secret killer"

"A mafia queen yet had to be made..." My fist tightens.

"What happened?" Elijah looked concerned. His voice was shaking.

"Lorenzo martini"

My nightmare, I survived everything but what he did to me was unforgettable and uncured.

"Son of David martini, the mafia leader"


I was practicing when I Heard someone coming near me.

"Baby girl? What are you doing here alone?"  he said, coming near me

"J-just practice shooting" I didn't like the way he was looking at me.

"Lemme tell you how to do it in the right way" he came closer to me and gripped my waist, I could feel his breathing on my neck.

I was uncomfortable. "B-Boss leave me," I said while wiggling in the hold, trying to get away.

"Stay calm Alice... I am not doing anything wrong, trust me what I will do you will like it"

"N-o I will not... Leave me, Lorenzo" I pushed him.

"C'mon Alice we both are young it's nothing wrong to have fun" he again grabbed me and started forcing himself on me.

I again pushed him and slapped him "YOU BITCH!! HOW DARE YOU!? lemme show you with whom you messed with NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU" he smirked


"I shouted and tried to push him but that monster..." Elijah again hugged me tightly and I broke down.

"He destroyed me that way, I felt lost, I felt disgusted Elijah.... It was painful I wanted to kill him but I felt numb.  What have I ever done wrong to go through all this!!??" I shouted and cried In his arms

"Shh... Baby calm down... Please it's fine" his voice was breaking, I felt tears on my shoulder.

"Elijah I was just 18!! Just 18 years old... I bore every pain and hate Alone. I was alone... Tell me if I have done wrong by killing them!"


Ok um so.... I hope you liked it...

And umm.. I am updating another chapter as well ... Today only ... So that I can compensate of my absence.. hihi 😅✌🏻

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