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"I am from f-florida"

Knight family looked at her.

"Sorry.... But I just wanted to ask , are you the daughter of Alexander Davis?" Olivia hesitated.

Alice's orbs turned darker shade of ember. Her face hardened.

Alexander Davis her father. The person she loathe the most. The person who showed her hell in such a young age. Her so called father.

"Yes" she looked at them without any emotion.

Knights looked at her in shock. They remember her. They remember the Little Alice. Olivia felt guilty , she shouldn't have asked her but she just wanted to make sure.

Elijah was stunned for a minute, he was unable to figure out what were they talking about.

"Are you our A-Ali?" Olivia had tears in her eyes.


Alice ... Ali?

Elijah looked at Alice in shock

His Little Ali? His angel

"Oh dear God, Ali baby remember us?" Olivia get's excited.

She loved Alice as her own daughter, she always wanted a daughter and after they moved to Florida she got Alice.

The beautiful little girl was having a hard life , Mason and Olivia didn't knew too much but they knew that she don't have a normal family. They did everything they could.

"Dad!!! Please leave me! I won't do this again dad!!! Please mom tell dad!!" She shouted when her father grabbed her hair and pushed her hardly on ground.

"Shut up you little b!tch" Alexander shouted at her , Alice's mom came in between "please Leave her!!! She won't do it again Alex leave her please" her mom begged him.

"Oh two b!tches are getting on my nerves!!!" He started beating her while her mom was still trying to protect her.

"Alice go away now!!" Her mom shouted and she ran away

Alice went to knights , she was crying so badly. Olivia took her inside

"Ali? Baby? Don't cry it's ok baby , it's fine" Olivia couldn't see Little Alice crying.

"But Mrs knight he-he" Alice wasn't even able to speak.

"Shh baby it's fine" Olivia hugged her "look Mason and Elijah came they bought some chocolates, you wanna eat?"

"Yes Mrs knight" Alice Sayed between hiccups.

"Ali baby call me Olivia ok? Now let's go" she grabbed her hand and opened the door , revealing Mason and Elijah

"Angel??" Elijah looked at Alice and shouted in excitement until he gazed towards her red eyes "princess?? Did you cried?"

He moved towards her and hugged her. Mason looked at her wife "I couldn't see her like this, she looks so fragile" Olivia said

"I know but we can't take any actions against them, she is just a kid and have to go through all this" Mason sighed sadly.

"Alice , Elijah do you wanna eat cake? I prepared for you guys"

"Let's go princess?" Elijah smiled at Alice which she returned and nodded.


"How can I forget you Mr and Mrs knight" Alice shrugged her bad memories and smiled.

"Never thought I would see you here, but I am really glad and proud of you now... Ali baby"

"she isn't a baby anymore, look she became a grown up powerful woman" Mason corrected his wife.

While Elijah was still looking at her , stunned. He didn't know what to say.

"Hii Mr Elijah knight, you remember me?" Alice smirked

"I-I do a little bit" Elijah said

Not gonna lie it hurted Alice a bit , but she acted as it's fine of her.

Before anyone could say anything Jonathan came towards Alice and whispered something in her ears

"Sorry Mr and Mrs knight I have to go somewhere it's really urgent" she smiled

"Oh it's ok no problem but I hope to see you again Alice...and please no formalities it's just Mason and Olivia for you" Mason said

"Ohk as you say Mr. Kn-- sorry Mason"

"Yes , so in this perfect timing I want to invite you for dinner tomorrow, I will really appreciate if you'll come"

"Olivia it's all my pleasure, I will come" Alice smiled "now see you tomorrow"

With that Alice exited the ball room and She sat in her car

"Miss Davis, we are here" her driver said, she came out and looked at the villa. She entered the villa and looked at her surroundings , all the men scattered in different corners with loaded guns

"Welcome Miss Davis welcome" a manly voice came behind her. She turned to look for the owner of this voice.

A man in his early 30s standing , in office attire.

"Myself Michel...Michel william , you might know me" he said while coming closer

"So you are the one who is stopping my men to enter this continent?"

" You see Miss Davis it's because this is MY area and you have to pay me to enter this"

" But we had a contract with your father mr.willam , are you forgetting that?"

"Do you think I am someone who will follow all that bullsh!t?" His face hardened "I am not stupid as my father, I want you to pay me as much as I want not according to some contract or you know the place you are standing in is MINE" he comes closer to Alice's face

"You are an total a$$hole" she looked at him in disgust "and listen here mr William I won't pay you any extra amount , do whatever you want to"

"Then your ships with loaded material will be in the ocean, and what if they get looted"

"YOU WON'T DO SUCH THING!!" Alice shouted

"I CAN DO ANYTHING!!! I play dirty"

Suddenly Alice got the call from mr Johnson

"What is it Adam?" She irritatedly stated

"Alice we lost track of our ships"

Alice immediately looks at Michel

"Don't worry about the ship mr Johnson I have them and will take care of them better than you" he snorted

"Alice? ALICE??" Adam called her

"Miss Davis , this world is so harsh and a beautiful woman like you should stay away from this, you are not ment for this you are ment to pleasure us" he and his men laughed

Her face hardened

"I am taking my things back, wait for me Michel william and I will show you what I am ment for"

She was ready to burn his huge ass villa but she needed to wait for the right time.

"The huge loss jonathan , we need to take revenge... Track the ships as soon as possible so that I call k!ll him" her deadly voice spoke.


His broken angelWhere stories live. Discover now