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"Subject 011, it's time

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"Subject 011, it's time."

The teenage girl looked up from the men in suits, she was reading alone in a locked up room, they appeared and it's your time to test your powers—telekinesis.

You walked towards the empty hallway, cold and scary. You hated it, it makes you feel sick. The men in suits guided you to a room. Going inside you felt shivering at the cold feeling.

You've been a subject to this Laboratory for 14 years. You suffered long enough, why don't they just end your life?

Your parents abandoned you at a young age—1 year old. Giving you to these sick bastards just to test you until you can handle it. You were treated very strictly by the scientists, not being allowed to play and forced to learn how to use your powers, seemingly for the sake of world peace.

You saw the man who put you in this pain and suffering. You hated him, always been.

You wished you could go away from here, and be normal kid just like the children you saw outside of this scary building they called a Hospital.

You sat on the chair, in front of you is a table and a bottle of can on top of it. You gulped when the scientist placed his hand on your shoulder makes you uncomfortable.

"Now, my dear 11. I want you to crush this can with your mind."

"And then we can stop?" You slowly spoke and looked up to him. Your eyes were dull and dark. No light can be seen, just dark. The Scientist only smile and placed a metal hat on your head that connect to a large machine. "We can stop if you did this right, my beautiful 011."

You looked down at the can, your eyes narrowed at the object as you began activating your power.

Clenching your fist, your head starts to hurt when you still focused on the can that is now slowly crushing.

To the Scientist's satisfaction. He grabs another objects and placed it in front of you.

"Now, do as I say. And don't stop." He says threatening you, you felt like vomiting. Your head starts spinning, nose started to bleed but you quickly wipe it. You don't want him to torture you again.

And this keeps happening until you felt so tired that you can't think anymore.

"I-I can't do this! P-Please stop it!"

"No, you will continue this until you get it right!" The Scientist shouted as he slammed his hands to the table. You tremble, a solitary tear trickled down your cheek. It hurts so bad, you felt like dying.

You shouted in agony and the object blew. The Doctor was fascinated as he scribble down what he saw in a piece of paper.

"Amazing! You have a power to control things. Everyone will be thrilled to see a girl like you have this supernatural powers!"

You had enough, he's abusing your strength. He abuse your mental health and makes you afraid of trusting people.

This is enough, he has to pay!

You glared at him, trying to control his mind when he suddenly scream in pain. "Ngh! W-What are you doing, Subject 011! Guards take her!" But you were angry at him as you slowly crushing his skull. He holds his head, trying to scream for help. But there was none of them ever come in to stop you.

Because you also controlled their brains and crushing their skulls.

"Ack! Stop this, s-subject 011! Y-You'll kill me!"


You breathing heavily, finally ending of his life with snapping his neck. You fall from the cold floor, nose covered in blood, and wet cheeks because of your falling tears.
"I-I'm sorry... Please don't hurt me... I'm sorry, t-this won't h-happen again..." You apologize to the people you killed, you were already traumatized than there is.

You don't deserve this.

Running away from the corpses, you headed to a room you always come to. Opening it with your power, you saw the crying child. It was Subject 007, she has the power of telepathy, she's younger than you and you treated her like your younger sibling.

"Seven!" You shouted but your throat felt dry when you run towards her. She looked at you with tears in her emerald eyes. "Let's get out of here. We're safe now." Subject 007 was worried about your conditions when she saw how bloody your Hospital gown is.

"Really? Can we really leave here now?" Her voice was soft and small. Nodding you grabbed her hand and run away from this hellhole.

Finally, you and subject 007 went to different Orphanage, Changing your names into a normal one instead of numbers. You named yourself as Y/N and for 007 is Anya. Hoping for someone to adopt you and your little sister.

Until you lost hope after one year.

"Don't give up now, Y/N-nee. Someone will take care of us! I have a hunch!"

You looked at her, you were just staring. No emotion shown on your face. It's just empty.

Anya tried to read your mind but it was empty, she frowned. She leaned and gave you a warm hug that you always love.

In the past year, you mumble to yourself thinking about the things you have done to them. Apologizing to them even though they were not there in front of you. Having nightmares and you didn't even slept well since.

You just wished all of this were gone.

But Anya is source of your happiness. The person who truely cares for you.

"Don't worry, big sis. Anya will protect you!"

Once again, you smiled at her and gave her a hug.

And this is just the beginning of your story.

- A CHILD'S LOVE , spyxfamilyWhere stories live. Discover now