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"I'm happy that you have your own father, Anya

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"I'm happy that you have your own father, Anya." You smiled, Anya looks up to you. "Big sis, will you come with us too?" You felt your chest started to feel heavy, but you still smiled at her.

And to be honest, you don't want to be alone again.

"I'm sorry, Anya. But big sis won't be coming with you."

"Why not?! Anya will be sad if you don't come with us!"

Loid heard the kid shout, he peaks to the door. There he saw Anya clutching your dress. "But Mister Forger chooses you, not me. And besides." Crouching at her level to make eye contact with her, her lips turn downward, green eyes were glossy and sniffles. "You will have a great time with him."

"No! No! I don't want to leave you, big sus. Please come with me!" She started crying as she hugs you making you almost stumble. She cries in your chest, her stuff toy still in her small hands.

You closed your eyes, trying to hold your tears as you soothed her back.

"Mr. Forger might be waiting for you, Anya. You should go now."

"No! I don't wanna! I wanna be with you, big sis! Anya doesn't want you alone!" She cries once again making you hard to leave her too.

Loid sighs. How is she gonna get that kid to his house if she didn't want to go anymore.

'Hmm, that girl seems to be fond by the older one. The mission never says I can only bring one child. Maybe she can be a help as well.'

"Y/N, right?" Looking up to Mr. Forger, you gulps subconciously as you nodded. "I'll adopt you as well. It seems like Anya is fond of you."

You felt your heart beats fast, is this really true? Someone will adopt you as well? And suddenly you started to overthink again.

"Are you sure, Mr. Forger? Don't you think I'm gonna be burden to you?"

"No, it's fine as long as the two of you behave." You slightly flinched at the way he spoke. Loid notices your hand trembles and you avoided his stares. He didn't mean to snapped at you, he's just of speaking like that. "I'm sorry, Mister Forger."

When Anya heard avout you getting adopted as well. She soon become energetic and started to hug Loid that caught him off gaurd.  "Thank you, thank you!!!"

"W-Whoa. Calm down." Loid says, trying to get off Anya from his leg.

"Ah, Anya don't do that, please." You softly spoke and tried to take away Anya fro hugging Loid's legs again.


Hugging the kids one last time, you gave them your farewell. You, Anya, and Loid Forger headed outside the Orphanage with you holding your little sister's hand.

- A CHILD'S LOVE , spyxfamilyWhere stories live. Discover now