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"Good morning class!" The Math Teacher said, all of the students greeted their teacher back

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"Good morning class!" The Math Teacher said, all of the students greeted their teacher back. "As of today, we're gonna discuss Spin Glass. Does anyone know that?" Two certain students simultaneously raised their hands together while the other students raised their hand as well.

You and Demetrius were determined to win this challenge. And the raven haired boy wants to win. The teacher sighs, knowing that you and Demetrius are competitive when it comes to every subject. It's almost you two are the only ones answering in front. "Okay, how about we pick someone else?" The teachers ignore you two and picks Arwhen and explain the topic that will be discussing.

You heard Demetrius scoff and puts his hands down. He really don't want to lose.

'I'd rather kill myself to become her friend.'

After explaining it the Teacher begans the lesson. You listen carefully, writing every notes that the Teacher writes. Demetrius, being the smug he is, just listens to the Teacher what to say. He doesn't even write.

'I guess he's really that smart for not writing notes...'

"Now, how about we create a group of two people and solve this problem? This Math is quite difficult so I decided to make it as a group." The Teacher smiles. You also wanted to pick Arwhen to become your partner but your smile quickly drops when the Teacher announces that they'll be the one who's gonna pick the partner.

Your shoulder slumped like it melted, face turned dark after hearing tje exact words coming from your Teacher's mouth.

"Demetrius Desmond and Y/N Forger. You two will be groupmates."

"WHAT?!" Demetrius shouted in agony, he really does hate you being partnered with him. The Teacher deadpans at Demetrius reaction making him cough and fixes his blazer. "Is there a problem, Desmond?"

"Nothing, Sir." He said, but you can clearly tell that he hates this idea. Well, you can't complain. "Great, now that I have assigned you with your classmates. You may start, and after that you can pass here in front."

"Master Demetrius, want me to change with you?" The Bowl cut boy said but Demetrius glares at him. He knows that glare so he just nodded and went back to his partner.

Demetrius looks at you, how can you be so calm when he is hating this idea of you being partners. "Just let you know that we're still Rivals, Forger. I won't lose to you."

You only sigh and gave him a piece of paper. "What is this?"

"A paper, go eat it." You said sarcastically which Demetrius got annoyed. "This is where we gonna answer the question, Desmond. And If you don't want to then I'll do it myself."

A menacing scoff came from his mouth. "And let you win? I don't think so."

"Sure, whatever." You said and started to write the solution.

Minutes have passed and you never heard Demetrius complain or insult you. Glancing at him, you saw him lifting the bridge of his glasses, focusing on the piece of paper.

You notice how his eyelashes flutter when he blinks, pointy nose and pinkish lips.

Realizing what you are doing, you backed away a little bit and continue writing.

And what you didn't notice is, Demetrius blushing hard when he noticed you staring at him.

But why didn't he shout at you? And why did he just let you go looking at his handsome face?

He felt the same way earlier. Heart beating fast, blutterflies flutters in his stomach.

'No this can't be, I hate Forger and this what my body feels when I'm with her?!'

"Hey, stop scribbling hearts in our answer sheet."

"What? Excuse me I wouldn't do such a thing..." The he looks down, eye widen at the realization.

He drew a heart with his initial and a letter that starts with your initial.

He felt like he was about to explode, shouting, he grabbed the paper and tear them apart.

You gasp. Did he just destroy your answers?!

"Is there something wrong, Desmond?" The Teacher asked, irritated.

"Why did you tear them, Demetrius? That's our paperwork!" You starting to get mad. Grabbing the piece of paper that is completely teared into pieces.

Demetrius mouth agapes when he noticed that as well. He's screwed but he let his pride once again.

"It's your fault. You should've write another one incase this happens." You stand up and smacked his head making him hiss and glares at you. "What is wrong with you?"

"Write those answers again."

"What?" He asked, annoyed. "You heard what I said. Answer it again."

Demetrius noticed the anger in your eyes send shivers down his spine. It's like you were about to kill him.

"T-Tsk. Fine give me another one." He finally settled down and sst on the chair. You give him another one as he snatched it from your hand and started to write.

You let out a sigh, you still have to help him.

"Here let me help-"

"I don't need your help, Forger. I can do this by my own."

You tried to talk but since he doesn't want it, you let him go.

"Just let me help you."

"A Desmond doesn't need a help. I can do this. I... I won't let my father know I'm weak." He whispered the last words and continued to write..

You looked at him, but you couldn't see his eyes. He must be hiding it. But you felt sad.

'Hmm, I forgot that his Father is a bad guy. But I felt bad for him...'

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