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After the orientation

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After the orientation. Many parents waited in the big room at the Academy. The Imperial Scholars also headed out. Arwhen quickly run towards you making you startled when she places her arm around to your shoulder.

"Hey, you're lucky that Mr. Walter placed you next to Demetrius! That guy is really an elite of this Academy. Any girls from the Imperial Scholar would be jealous and angry with you."

"I really don't care about him. And besides he looks like someone who hates people."

Arwhen looked at you confused and shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah, they way I see it. He looks like he needs some sleep and he looks so pale."

You glance at Demetrius who's busy reading some book while his friends are next to him talking. "They say that if everyone gets in his way, he will destroy them. He doesn't want anyone to be on top of him. He always get to be on top no matter what. If he sees you as a rival, he'll crush you down." Now that doesn't make you feel any better.

You felt like something stuck up in your throat. You don't want a rival! You just doing this for the mission!

'If this is for Mr. Loid's mission. Then I have to become friends with him!'

You bite your lower lip and shook your head.

'Don't you see, Y/N? He already hates you! Why is this so hard?'

"Oh! My family's here. See you later, Y/N!" You snapped back from your thought when Arwhen spoke, you looked at her as she waved at you goodbye and headed to her family. But suddenly she went back to you making you jolt. "Can I have your telephone number and address? Let's go to school tomorrow, my driver will pick you up!"

You were completely confused but gave her the number and address. "Oooh! Thanks a lot! I'll see you tomorrow!" Then she's finally off.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" You got startled again when you heard the deep voice coming from, looking back you saw Demetrius with his goons smirking. His tall figure shadowed your small figure. He looked intimidating and his eyes is dark. "How odd, a girl who doesn't have 8 stella stars got in to the Imperial Scholar. What did they even saw in you?" Both of his goons snicker at you.

You were scared, but you tried to be strong while looking at his dark eyes. "What? You don't speak? Heh, I told you she's creepy." The boy with a bowl haircut says.

Demetrius smirked and he move his head closer to you.

"Let's see how smart you are, Y/N Forger. From now on, you'll be my rival."

'This is not how I imagined it to be!!!'

Then they finally left you all frightened. You even sighed in relief. They're gone now.

- A CHILD'S LOVE , spyxfamilyWhere stories live. Discover now