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"So, Why do you want to be his friend? I'm sure you have a reason

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"So, Why do you want to be his friend? I'm sure you have a reason." Roi started the conversation, his body slumped on the seat looking at you with a smirk on his lips.

'I'm doing this for a mission... But I can't just tell him that...'

"I already gave up becoming his friend after what he did to me."

"Demetrius is a kind of guy who hates being the second top of every subject in your class. And you happen to be the one he hated, because you got on top." Roi said, you wanted to scoff about what the boy said next to you, but remembering what Demetrius said about that time.

"And you even said that you want to help him?" He scoffed jokingly. "He will think that he's weak if you even help him. That what he always think. And as a friend of him, he never once asked me to help him. He just wanted to be alone. After all, his father expected him to be the best of his class."

"And that is why you're the only person who can make him a better person."

You felt a heavy weight on his words, that is a big reponsibility for you. "Why me?"

"Because I never seen Demetrius so worked up by a girl. And It was kinda amusing seeing him all flustered." He chuckles, remembering his friend's face. He looked at you again.

"So, do you take the offer? I'll help you out to be his friend. I know you don't trust me yet. But I'm also doing this for him. I just want him to have normal life. I don't want him to be stuck being a perfect guy." Roi said, as he offered his hands in front of you.

You looked into his hand, recollecting all of your thoughts to his offer. Is it really worth it? This is for Loid's mission after all. Will you still take it?

Slowly, you moved your hands towards his as you shaked it making Roi's face smiled. Suddenly he pulled your hand and gave your palm a tender kiss making you shocked at his actions.

"We're here, young master."

Taking off your hands away from him, you opened the door. "Let's see again later." Then the car moved. Looking at your hands, you felt his lips lingered in your palms making you shiver.

"I should wash my hands."


Hearing a familiar voice, you looked at Arwhen waving at you as she runs. "I'm sorry I didn't pick you up, I overslept. Luckily sebastian woked me up." Arwhen said, catching her own breath after she ran.

Arwhen gasps, looking at her watch. You watched her panic then suddenly grabbed your wrist. "I forgot our History teacher is our first subject today. We'll get screwed!"



All students winced at the loud smack from the table of their History teacher. He's a tall, lanky man. He look so intimidating, his eyes wonder around the school. Many students were too scared to make eye contact to him. Because this teacher is terror. A wrong answer will be punishment for you. His name is Mr. Enrile.


"Y-Yes, sir?"

"When did The Cold War* start?!" He shouts at the student who scratched the back of his neck. "I-I don't know, Sir—"


"You are an Imperial Scholars, you should know this! You, What is The Gunpowder Plot?*"

The student didn't know the answer and another smack was heard from Mr. Enrile.

You felt your palms started to get wet from just his loud voice. You're scared that he might saw you.

Mr. Enrile grew angry at the few students who didn't get the question correct. So, he scanned the whole room and saw the Son of Donovan Desmond.

"You, Mr. Desmond. What is The American Revolutionary War?"

Demetrius stood up, a smug grin placed on his lips, like he already know the answer which he know. "The American Revolutionary War, also known as the Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, secured American independence from Great Britain. Fighting began on April 19, 1775, followed by the Lee Resolution on July 2, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776."

Mr. Enrile nodded. "You may sit down." Demetrius looked at you with a scoff and sat down next to you. "Now, this is what I expect most of you. But none of you even know what those are. Do you think this Stellar stars will give you if you have great and rich family? No!" He said, all of the students lower their head, ashamed to be called Imperial Scholars.

"Now, take a piece of paper and we will have a quiz. And this piece will be 500 for all you lazy students who can't even answers my question."

Collected groan was heard from the students, complaining. "Now you're complaining? I'll add this to 1,000. So get ready I'll just say this and won't repeat it. Number one!"

They all quickly grabbed their pens and paper as they started to write and follow Mr. Enrile.

It's been 30 minutes and they're still at number 80. You followed to every Mr. Enrile said. You noticed many of your classmates grew tired and lost. You glanced at Demetrius who is really serious about this quiz.

"You, Forger!" You flinched at the loud voice of your History Teacher. "Did I say something about peeking next to your classmate?!" He shouted, you shake your head. "N-No, Mr. Enrile. I was just—"

"Mr. Desmond. Can you look at her paper and see if she's copying yours."

"What? I didn't cheat—"

"I don't need your opinion, Forger." You closed your mouth, then looked at Demetrius. He look so serious, what will he do?

He only a glance and looked at Mr. Enrile.

"We do have same answer in every question." He said make you look at him, shocked. Is he really gonna lie about you cheating when you didn't even do it.

Mr. Enrile expression changes when he heard Demetrius. He was about to talk to you when Demetrius suddenly said.

"But I never seen her peaking at my paper." Those simple words make your eyes widen. Is he... Really being nice?

Mr. Enrile almost choke after what he heard. "Are you sure? Or are you making this to not get her to—"

"Of course I'm sure. I won't lie to a stupid reason." Demetrius said, uninterested as he sat. Mr. Enrile glared at you and fixed his glasses. "If I saw you peak again, Forger. I'll get rid of your Stellar star."

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay, Number 89!"

Mr. Enrile started his quiz again. You looked at Demetrius again. "Do you want to get your Stellar star or not?" He suddenly said making you look back at your paper.

You wanted to thank him for not making you in trouble. So you peel a paper and write.

You discreetly slide the paper next to him. Demetrius glanced at you and looks down.

'Thank you :)'

Demetrius felt something flutter inside of his stomach, face started to heat up. He clicked his tongue and picked the paper. "Stupid." He mumble, trying to remain calm but his heart says otherwise.

Arwhen watched the scene making her smile.

'I should tell him about this...'

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