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"What? Demetrius is scribbling on your papers with hearts and tear it?" Arwhen said, she started to laugh and imagine the look of Demetrius face when he did that

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"What? Demetrius is scribbling on your papers with hearts and tear it?" Arwhen said, she started to laugh and imagine the look of Demetrius face when he did that. "Never heard of him act like that. He usually the type of guy who is more serious but insults people here. But after what you said I think he's a stupid guy who looks in love." She scoff at her last words, eating her food.

You glanced at Demetrius seat. He was with someone else. He seems to be close to that boy next to him. Like a really close friend.

But you noticed how dull Demetrius looked but he still gave that superior look so people wont recognize those sad eyes.

"Who's that boy next to him? Is he a friend?" You said, Arwhen couldn't help but to smile mischievously at you. "Oh, you mean Roi? Yeah, he's Demetrius close friends. You interested in him? Hmm?" She said teasing you as her eyebrows moved up and down.

'I thought he doesn't have a friend.'

After lunch, you headed to the Library to read some books.

Eden Academy's library is big, full of books that are stocked on the shelves. Kids and teenagers come here often to read or sleep.

You love books because this is where you learn. But you don't have the time because of the experiments they were putting on you.

But not you are free, you can finally read a book again.

Walking down to the shelves, you were looking for a book that you want to learn. Running your fingers, you saw a book that peaks your interest. You started to grab it but someone pulled it out. Your eyebrows furrowed and pulled it to you.

"Hey give me that book and find another one to read." You heard someone behind the shelves, still tugging the book that you are gripping.

"I saw this first, Demetrius. You can find another one." You said, tugging the book again. You heard him scoff.

"Tsk, out of all places..." He whispers and there goes his blushing face again. "Now, can you let go? I really want to read this." You pleaded, Demetrius mumble some words and finally letting it go. You peaked in to the shelves and saw him glaring at you.

"Thank you." You said, smiling at him as you walked away. Demetrius grumble irritatedly when you smiled and grabbed another book instead.

Sitting in the corner, you placed your book in the table and started to read.

When suddenly.

"Why are you here?" You heard his voice again, but you didn't look at him and read.

"Hey, I'm talking to you Forger."

You sighed and and slightly slammed the book and looked at Demetrius, annoyed. "Why are you following me?"

"What? Who said I'm following you?" He talk back. "That's my spot, and now you're sitting on it. Maybe you're the one who is following me?"

'What's with this guy?!'

Taking another deep breath. You stood up going to the next table and sat there and continued reading.

Demetrius followed you with his eyes. He sat where his favorite spot is.

The truth is, Demetrius doesn't really know why he's here. But when he saw you coming in the library. He started following you.

'Why am I even interested in you?'

"Can you stop staring at me?"

"Who said I'm staring at you? I can't even look at you." He said, you stiffle your laugh. So this is what Demetrius looks like when no one is around. "Why are you laughing, Forger?"

"Because you look stupid, are you aware of that?"

"Stupid? You calling me a stupid? Let me tell you that I'm better than anyone in this Academy."

"And you can't even beat me when it comes to Math?" You talk back, stifling your laughter which makes him mad.

"Remember this Forger, I wont gonna lose to you. I'm better than you I can do much more better than you." He glares at you, pointing a finger at your head as he poked it hard. "I can't argue with that one. You are better but it's just to impress your parents right?" You said, looking at him. Then you saw it, those sad eyes. He avoided looking at you and stepped away.

"You know, it's okay not to be better sometimes you know. You're just preassuring yourself. Live a little."

Then Demetrius looks at you again. He hates it, how you look at him like he was nothing, like a normal person. He despise how you talk freelly and didn't cared about your status in this school. But he doesn't want his father to be disappointed in him seeing him weak. He has to be strong like Desmond should be.

"I don't take advices from a lowly commoner like you." Standing up he turned back and said. "We are never going to be friends, Forger. Just admit your defeat." Then he left the library.

You looked at him slowly disappearing in your view.

You once again sighed. "Looks like he really doesn't want too."

"Don't mind him, he is always like that when I tried helping him." You got startled at the boy next to you making you stand up.

He was the boy who was at the Cafeteria with Demetrius earlier, it's Roi!

He smiled at you, like the sweetest smile you have ever seen. "I'm sorry for startling you. My name is Roi, and you must be Y/N Forger, right?"

"Yes, that's me." Roi offered his hand for a hand shake that you accepted. "I heard a lot about you. And the time when you slapped Demetrius with your book. I must say, he deserved it."

'He's so weird...'

"I'm kinda impressed how you managed to beat him in every subject. I never seen someone tried to out knowledge that guy. He is always the top and a better student."

"Yet he acts like a kid when he's bullying someone." Roi let out a half-hearted laugh. "He's just like that. But sometimes I can't defend that guy anymore. But suddenly you came in and did that to him."

You remained silent for a moment when he talks again.

"If you really wanna be his friend. I can help you with that."

You looked at him, not trusting his words. You still have trust issues after what happened to you. "I don't need your help." You said and continue reading

"Oh there you are, Y/N! The next teacher will be coming soon!" You heard Arwhen making your head lift up to see her golden eyes. Then she moved her head and saw Roi.

The boy smiled teasingly at Arwhen making her scrunch her nose. "You're with this ginger?"

"He just came in there." You said, pointing your thumb at him. "Yeah, we're just talking about Demetrius."

"And she's not interest in that boy. Let's go, Y/N."

"Oh, uh, I'll see you." You said when Arwhen held your hand and ran towards the door.

"Sure, Miss Y/N." Then Roi waved at you.

Both you and Arwhen running to your classroom. "So you finally met that guy, huh?"

"Yeah, and he said he wanted to help me."

"Oh really? Tell me that later." She said smiling at you.

Nodding you headed to your classroom in time. Looking up to your seat.

Demetrius is not there.

- A CHILD'S LOVE , spyxfamilyWhere stories live. Discover now