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The entire time at school

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The entire time at school. You stayed silent. Demetrius was not here next to you and many of your classmates looked at you with horrid expression.

You looked down clenching your fist, your eyes started to get glossy. Arwhen was also worried for you.

"It seems that Demetrius will be at the Clinic after school. One of his friends said that one of your classmates hit him with an algebra book." Walters looked at you making you sink to your seat.

After school, you stayed in the classroom having a talk with your homeroom teacher. "You have to apologize to Demetrius. I seen that he is getting mad about you beating him in every subject. I must say I'm impressed but what you did to him is not appropriate."

"He pushed my food that dropped on the floor. I... I got mad and smacked him. I wasn't thinking right. I'm sorry."

Walters sigh and nodded. "Now, off you go. Demetrius is still at the Clinic."

You nodded and left the classroom. You saw Arwhen waiting for you. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for the concern, Arwhen. But I really have to apologize to Demetrius." Arwhen nodded understandingly. "I was worried you're gonna get expelled. Sorry I didn't defend you that time."

"It's fine. Thanks for the help."

Arwhen smiles at you. "Well, we better get going to the Clinic."


Heading to the Clinic, you said that you'll be going alone so Arwhen let you be and waited for you at the Parking Lot.

While walking inside you sa sillouhette of a boy behind the curtains. "Oh, you must be Y/N Forger? Demetrius is waiting for you."

You thanked the lady. Taking a deep breath you headed to his bed. Opening the curtains you see him sitting down, a bandage on his cheek.

When he saw you, he felt something in his stomach that caught him off guard, he looks away and click his tongue. "What do you want? Ready to smack me again?"

"If you want. I'll gladly do it."

"What did you say?"

"I'm sorry for hitting you on the face."

"Well, sorry. But that won't do for me. I don't accept forgiveness for a common girl like you." You looked at him, is he being serious right now? You sighed placing down your bag and sat next to him. "H-Hey! Don't go sitting around next to me!" He said, stuttering. "I want this rivalry to end, Desmond."

"Heh, looks like your giving up now? What a shame." He said trying to act cool but deep inside his stomach is full of butterflies.

'Why am I feeling like this?! I hate this feeling!'

"Well, don't go running from me just to push my food away because you lost everytime." You stood up, grabbing your bag and started to walk when.

"Don't be so cocky now, Forger! We are still rival and I wont let you win this time!"

'Gosh this is so stupid. He acts so childish.'

"Keep talking, maybe ghost will talk to you. I'm going."

"H-Hey! You can't be going without treating my wound! You owe me for not expelling you!"

"Well, thank you for not expelling me! And stop acting so childish, you're not a kid anymore!" You shouted and left.

'He looks so stupid when no one is looking at him. But he act different earlier. Tsk I don't know with that guy...'

- A CHILD'S LOVE , spyxfamilyWhere stories live. Discover now