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"Here, this is a new mission from you

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"Here, this is a new mission from you." Franky handed a folder to Loid who opened it as he read every piece of information.

'An unknown Organization has made wild experiments on children to make 'the world a better place'. A child who has the ability that was never seen in a human before. Experimenting their brains, teaching them ways how to control a certain object or a person's mind in front of them.

Many children had died in their hands with their dirty works. Making them suffer and killing them instantly. But two children survived. Making them both succeeded the experiment they used on them.

Two unknown children survived and their names were Subject No. 7 and Subject No. 11.

After searching the Unknown Lab. Many dead people were scattered inside. Faces were rotting and bloods in their eyes and somehow it was controlled by those two unknown children who survived.

One of them might be the one who killed them.

We searched everywhere for the Doctor who did the experiments. But the body was gone. We suspected it to be alive.

And this is what you will do, Loid Forger.

You have to find the Doctor.

We saw one of his journals. That he will find Subject No. 11.

We don't know anything about him yet, but we will inform you. Be careful Twilight, this one is smart.

There is a picture of this Man.

Loid looked at the blurry picture of a man wearing a suit, his hair was white and he looked old.

'How will I know who's the child he was talking about... This is difficult.'

The letter showed the location and the picture of the Lab. The building was large to not notice. Loid can't help but to think.

'Why are they doing this? Is this also related to the War? Making kids as a weapon...'

Loid slightly clenched his hands as the leathered gloves made a sound. Franky noticed the glared on Loid's eyes. "Looks like the mission is tough. I can see it on your face." Franky said, joking around so the tense doesn't go thick.

"I have to go, I have something to deal with."

'I already found out what he's looking for.'


"I'll take her back, I'll take her back. I'll have the greatest weapon in this world. She's gonna be great...! I-I'll take her back... Hahahaha...."

Rigged breaths and scribbling sounds was heard in the dark room, only the lamp next to him gives him light as he writes down many possible to things that he wanted to become.

Is to getting you back. You were powerful, you killed people with your own mind. He was proud of himself for what he has done. You were a successful one.

He'll take you back to him again. And he'll promise to takw care of you... And let people know that he created a weapon that can stop this nonsense war.

He will be powerful and will praised for what he has done.

"I won't let you go, No. 11... I'll take you back to my Lab and make more experiments on you.... I can make you a God... Hahaha!"


You sat quitely next to Arwhen, looking at the window. Your friend started to feel worried and felt bad about the plan Roi did.

"Hey, Y/N... Are you okay? You seem sad. Is there something wrong?" Arwhen asked softly. You finally looked at her, Arwhen worried expression makes you frown.

"I'm okay, I'm just tired." You said and looked at the window again. You felt bad for ignoring her, but you feel like you don't want to talk for a bit.

You feel guilty for using your power to Demetrius, it was a stupid move to get angry at him and accidentally used your power to control his body.

You hate it, you hate doing this. You remembered the time you and Anya got away from that Lab and using you powers to kill them.

You were a monster. A weapon like what the Doctor said to you.

'No one will ever love a child who was created to kill people. That's why your family abandoned you.'

Arwhen looked at you again, hands are trembling, she heard sobs coming from you which make her more concerned. "Y/N? Hey, don't cry now... Just tell me what happened. I'm here for you..." Arwhen said, as she sit next to you, her hands went to your back and rub it to make you calm.

'I never seen Y/N cry like this. It hurts me seeing her like this...'

"Can I... Can I hug you? I think you need it..." Arwhen said shyly, looking down at her hands, fidgeting it. You looked at her with red eyes and nose, sniffing. You slowly nodded at her. "Yes, you can."

Arwhen eyes looked at you as she smiled and hugged you tightly. "Don't cry now, everything is fine. I'm here for you. You don't need to become friends with Demetrius." She said, You sighed as you hugged her back, tightly.

"Thank you, Arwhen."

"Hehe, of course. Do you want to go to a cafe? Let's eat there!"


"Thank you Miss Arwhen for taking Y/N home." Yor said smiling at the girl who smiles back. "I'll see you next Monday, Y/N! Please, cheer up." Arwhen gave you another hug and said her goodbyes to you.

Yor looked down on you, seeing you wave back at Arwhen. Odd, she rarely sees you sad. "Miss Y/N, is everything alright? Are you hurt? Did someone bully you in class?" Yor immediately asked, she was about to throw hands if someone hurts her little girl.

"I'm fine, mother. I'm just tired." You said. "Oh! Then, let's get inside. Anya just got home as well. Here, let me get your bag."

"Thanks, mother." You smiled, Yor heart's melt at that sweet smile.

While going upstairs, Yor spotted Loid outiside of their door. "Oh, Mr. Loid, welcome home." Yor greeted, her face starting to blush. Loid, who's more serious than ever looks at you.

"Y/N, I want to talk to you inside your room."

You felt the tension at his words, he's so serious. You gulp and nodded.


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