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The Forger family read the bulletin board

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The Forger family read the bulletin board. And your name and Anya are not accepted.  Yor and Loid shoulders slouched simultaneously.

The look on their face looked dried up. Walking together with slouch shoulders. You felt bad for them.

"I'm sorry mother, father." You mumbled, biting your lip. Anya also apologized for stepping a poop while walking at the Academy. "L-Let's head home." Loid said, comforting you with his soft voice and Yor holds yours and Anya's hand. "L-Let's make tea."

"Hold it Forgers." You heard those deep voice coming from the tree. There you saw The Housemaster, Henry Henderson.


The Forgers and Henderson hid from the crowd as Henry gave Loid the paper as he read. While reading he saw your name and Anya's in numbers 1&2.

"That's the waiting list. Strictly confidential."

"The waiting list?"

"Indeed. After much deliberation, Y/N and Anya Forger were made top of the waiting list. If just one among the official entrants turns down their offer, she shall get a place forthwith." Hearing the news, Yor was shocked to hear that you and Anya got accepted.

You can't believe it as well!

"H-However, after what we did...?"

"Know you what creature kills the most people on our planet? Mosquitoes." You looked at the man, confused. Is that why you and Anya got accepted at the waiting list?

"Indeed, you saved Mr. Swan from a most dangerous ccreature that day. A major cause for commendation."

"That's absurd." Loid said, he looked not surprised.

"Stand proud, Forgers! You've proven yourselves worthy of our school."

"If anybody turns down their offer, Miss Anya and Miss Y/N gets in..."

Henry nodded. "Indeed."

Yor started to think about murdering someone.

"Well, anyhow... A few do forfeit their place, every year. Keep that in mind, and be prepared." Loid and Yor thanked the man. Henry tells about that he will no longer be in this school if you and Anya got in the Academy. He punched Mr. Swan. After the Housemaster left, Anya smiled widely and held your hands and started to jump happily. "Yay! Anya and big sis will be going to the school."

"Yes, but we still don't know if you're going or not."


3 days later.

You looked at Anya who is dancing with Mr. Chimera. She looks like doing a ritual. Yor and Loid also watch the little girl chant the ritual.

"What the heck is she doing?" Loid said, amused. "Apperently, she's performing a ritual dance, praying to get the place."

"Ah... I see."

Suddenly the phone rang, you didn't see Loid getting there quickly. You headed to Anya to help her from falling. The three females looked at Loid who is talking at the phone. You finger crossed and hold Yor's hand.

Loid hung up the phone and looked at you and Anya. You followed his hands grabbing something in his pocket. He grabbed the surprise pop and popped it full of confetties. "You two got in!"

You smiled widely, you never felt this happiness before and started to jump along with Anya. "Father! We did it!" Loid was happy as well that this mission is gonna start soon. He quickly engulfs you and Anya with a hug. "Well done, Anya, Y/N!" You giggled and hugged Loid back.

"Oh thank goodness! Thank goodness!" Yor exclaimed, she was glad as well!

"We couldn't have done it without you, Miss Yor." Loid smiled sweetly at Yor making her flustered when suddenly the door opened.

There you saw Franky. "Eyo! I heard your girls got in? Calls for celebration!" Franky then lifted the wine in his hands. "Word sure gets around, huh?"

"I'm an information broker, and you don't forget it." Franky whispers, he headed inside and greated Yor. "Time to celebrate, yeah?! I've brought booze, and food on it's way!"

You and Anya looked at the delicous foods that was delivered in your apartment. "Thank you for the food, Mr. Franky." You said and started to eat your meal. It was indeed tasty and yummy!

"And, all thanks to me nabbing them exam papers, eh?" Franky said, he is clearly drunk so he's talking nonsense now. Loid tried to stop him from talking too much about his job or he'll be screwed.

"Huh?! What's that~?" Yor is also drunk as well, this can't be good. "Big sis. They're drunk."

"Yeah, they look funny to me, especially Mr. Franky." You and Anya both giggled and continue your food. "Good for you, Li'l Anya and Y/N! Daddy says he'll buy you two whatever you want as a reward, today!" Franky said, well, Anya believed it.

"I don't wanna buy anything, but there's something I wanna do!" Anya said. "Hmm? What is it? I mean, I'll see what I can do.

Anya was more excited to hear her father's approval.

Then, Anya shows the anime she's been watching. A spy who is saving the princess and went to different obstacles to get the princess and headed to the castle. Now Loid wanted to take back his words earlier.

"I wanna do that!"

"Do that? So you want to..." He still can't believe it.

Anya nodded and grinned. "Play spies and princesses in a castle!"

"Nope, not happening." Loid quickly said, then suddenly Anya started to cry as Franky headed to the crying girl. "Meanie! If you don't make it happen, I'm not going to school!" Franky said, mimicking Anya's voice to make Loid approved.

"Don't go speaking for her."

Franky looked at the TV screen, with the castle as the back of the credits rolling. "Hey, this is Newston Castle, isn't it? I guess this was the reason I heard about them doing places up cartoon style, eh? They say it's got all the gimmicks from the show. And you can rent the whole place."

Franky moved the Loid and whispered. "Yo, Mr. Loid. The government doesn't have a lot of pull around those parts, so you could let loose a little, no problem."


"After you passed those tests and all, you two deserved a treat or two." Franky said patting you and Anya's head. "Don't cry Anya. It's alright, maybe Father we'll buy us some chocolates!" You said, trying to cheer the girl up. But she doesn't want that.

"Fine." Loid finally agrees making you looked at him. "Okay! Strike while the iron's hot! I'll book the castle!" You saw Anya giggled making you sigh. She was just doing that to make Loid approve, smart girl.

"You arrange the transport, alright?"

"What? You want to go today?! And you expect me to do all the work?!"

"Well, duh? It's for your daughters, isn't it?" Franky pat Loid and left. The man sighs.

"Thank you, father!" You said smiling. Loid smiles automatically and ruffles your hair. "It's the best thing I could do for both of you."

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