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'I have to find out if she's the one who got out of the Lab

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'I have to find out if she's the one who got out of the Lab. They information says it's a teenage girl.'

Placing your bag next to your table, you sat on your bed as you looked at Loid who has no emotion written on his face. You started to feel scared at his silence but soon he started to talk. His face softens, smiling at you.

"Y/N, I just wanna ask you about something." He said, you started to fidget your fingers, you swing your legs together. "Is it okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Loid. You can ask anything..." You politely said, not looking into his eyes. You don't like looking at someone at a serious conversation.

"I just wanted to know where did the old man take you from the orphanage?"

A simple question makes you stopped moving your legs and stopped fidgeting your hands.

Loid noticed it.

"I was walking alone that time then I saw the Orphanage. The old man just let me in." You said, the truth is that Anya is also with you but you don't want her to be in this.

'I have a suspicion that Mr. Loid wanted to know where I came from. If I said I was being experimented, he might take me back there... But no, people in there are already dead...'

"Well can you tell where did you really came from?" He asked again, more serious. Making your heart beats faster. You can't tell him about yours and Anya's power.

Loid can tell how nervous you are by seeing your hands shaking uncontrollably.

'Is she hiding something? Maybe I shouldn't push her.'

Suddenly the lights started to flick on and off, Loid looked at your lights at starting to get lighter. Then he looked at you again with blood dripping in your nose.

'Is she... The girl?'

All of a sudden the lights popped making the room darkens. You breath heavily looking at the shattered glasses from your bed. Then you felt your blood falling from your nose as you touched it...

'Oh no...'

"Y/N, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Loid but I have to go to the bathroom." You said then quickly went off to the bathroom.

Loid looked at the lights once again. He couldn't believe it could happen. A person can control anything with their mind.

'Is this what that Doctor has done to those kids? By the looks of it. Y/N, has the ability to control anything with her mind. Fascinating.'

Standing up, he picked up all the shattered glasses from your bed.

'I have to talk to that old man again for some information. And then, I'll capture the Doctor.'

He sighs and went outside.

'Don't worry Y/N, I'll take care of you.'


Your lips quiver, hugging yourself as you sat on the toilet. Lights slightly flickering.

You just showed that you don't want to do. You can't control, it somehow so hard to control.

You whispered to yourself to calm down, but your heart is still beating fast. Remembering every traumatic past happened to you at that Lab.

"You can't control your powers because of your emotions. It's ruining your focus! You don't need emotion to kill people. Because that is what a weapon is."

"I-I'm not a weapon..." You said, you started to hyperventilate as tears falling from your eyes. Harsh words was all you heard inside the bathroom.

"Please stop... I can't do this anymore..." You whimper trying to ignore the words of the Doctor has said to you.

It felt like a shadow completely swallowing your whole body, when all of the sudden the door opened.

"Y/N?! What happened are you alright?" Yor quickly headed towards you, kneeling down as she hold your cold hands. "Oh dear, your shaking... Are you alright? Please talk to me."

"Help me..." You cried which make Yor frown. "I-I'll be good. Just please don't punish me." You cried, Yor heard it making her panic and holds you tight.

'What happened to her? Oh no, I'm starting to feel worried for her.'

"Let's go inside your room, Miss Y/N. Nothing is gonna hurt you. It's just me." You finally looked at Yor. Your face was messed up, wet tears everywhere in your face, blood spilling from your nose. "Mother?"

"Yes, yes it's just me. Nothing's gonna hurt you. You're safe with me."

"Please don't take me back there. I don't wanna go back there please." You sob as Yor nodded and gave you a hug. She tried to make you calm by soothing your back and wiped the blood from your nose.

"I'll take you to your room, then I'll cook a food for you." Yor smiled as she helped you leaving the bathroom.

While walking with Yor, Loid glanced at the two of you as Anya looked at them as well. Anya started to get worried when she saw your condition.

"Father, what happened to Big sis? Is she alright?" Anya asked Loid with a worried voice. Loid looked at Anya with a sad face. "I'll go check on them. Stay here."

"But I wanna see Big sis..." Anya sulked sitting next Mr. Chimera.

Yor tucked you in, placing her hands on your hot forehead. She gasp and checked at your face again, lips are pale and you feel horrible. "You're sick, Y/N. Don't worry, I'll give you a medicine and food." Hearing the door opened, Yor looked at Loid who walked towards your bed.

"Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, but you ignored him. Sighing, he looked at Yor who is very worried. "What happened to her at the bathroom?"

"Uh, when I opened the door I saw her at the toilet. She's whispering about not leaving her and apologizing. Then suddenly the light started to flicker. I panicked when I saw a blood dripping from her nose... Did something happened to her, Mr. Loid?"

Loid stayed silent for a moment. "I'll go get her some food and a medicine." Yor excused herself and left the room.

'Mr. Loid is a smart man. I knew that he's gonna suspect me for having powers. I wasn't discreet with it. But I have to hide what Anya's power is. For her sake.'

"I'm sorry Mr. Loid. I'm sorry for lying to you. I just don't want them to find me again. I'm scared." You whispered, tears falling from your cheeks again. Loid felt hurt when he saw you cry. He never shown any emotion to the people he knows. But he is still a human afterall.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll find the Doctor and you won't gonna be scared anymore." You looked at him, smiling at you as he holds your hand.

"Thank you Mr. Loid."

Loid felt appreciated, that's what he want to feel.


Loid's kinda ooc here, but man's have a emotion so I think this is good ^^

Thanks for reading ^^

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