Chapter 4

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Marc doesn't say anything, or at least she thinks his name is Marc. Especially considering it's Steven stood right in front of her.

"Are you going to explain why you, Steven, or Marc, or whatever your bloody name is, were Khonshu's avatar and never told me? You've been on two dates with me, know exactly what I look like and didn't tell me? What you think I wouldn't believe you?" Jasmine says, walking in the apartment without being invited in, but she's slightly angry at him. After all they've been through together he keeps her in the dark? Although beneath her anger she has to admit, there's a hint of happiness behind it.

"It's not like that" Marc replies, watching Jasmines eyes quickly scan the room. There's a lot of books in here, it's quiet messy and there's also a huge fish tank in the middle. Not to mention how big this place is. Clearly being a gift shop-ist is the way to go here in London.

"What do you mean it's not like that? I think I know who I went on a date with. And what's the point of changing your accent? What's wrong with you Marc?" She says, only a few steps away from him.

Something which resembles hurt flashes through Marc's eyes, but it's gone as soon as it came.

"It's complicated" is all he says.

"Then un-complicate it" Jasmine says back, a bit harsher than she intended but she doesn't take it back. She just stares at him for a few moments.

Either the whole Steven thing was an act, or this really isn't Steven in front of her. He just looks the same.

Seeing he seems to be struggling on where to start, Jasmine starts for him.

"You can start by telling me your real name" she states.

"My name is Marc. I didn't like about that" he replies.

"Then why the hell do you look like Steven? Was Steven just an alias to spy on me or something?" She says, recalling hoping she isn't right.

"No! No I wouldn't do that, thats... creepy actually. Really creepy" he says.

"Then what the hell is it Marc?!" She says, starting to get frustrated at his responses.

"Steven is real okay? He's part of me... another personality" he says. Out of everything, she wasn't expecting that. "I created him as a child. He doesn't know me, he doesn't know I'm a thing"

"But you know him?"

"yes I know him. Things have gotten... messy and our lives have been colliding. But this is Steven's apartment, his fish. Everything here is his. The man you met was Steven, but I'm Khonshu's avatar. I mean technically he is too but he doesn't know that. We keep that from Steven, we keep me from Steven too. I want him to have a normal life" Marc explains.

Jasmine nods slightly. It's quite... sweet really. How Marc is almost trying to protect Steven from being an avatar.

"So... how do you..."

"How do I take control of the body?" Marc finishes, she nods. "Usually when he's sleeping. I go out and do all the stuff you do as an avatar. Although sometimes it takes longer, days"

"So that's why Steven is always confused over days and missing our date" Jasmine says.

"Yeah... sorry about that" he says, although there's something else behind his voice Jasmine doesn't recognise.

She shrugs, "do you know what's going on when Steven fronts?"

"Yeah, well sometimes, it's hard to explain" he replies. Jasmine nods, not wanting to push it.

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