Chapter 30

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"Why did you hit her so hard?" Someone's voice rings through Jasmine's mind. She recognises the American accent.

"I had to make sure she was out! Honestly, I save your arses and this is how you repay me?" And unfamiliar voice says. Well, it's familiar and unfamiliar all at the same time. An American accent again, but something different from the last, more like they're from New York.

"Is she going to be okay?" The same voice says, but this time a British accent.

Jasmine's eyes flutter slightly as a cold cloth is pressed to the side of her head.

"Jasmine?" She's able to tell this is Marc's voice this time. Her body relaxes, the tenseness leaving her shoulders and neck.

Despite wanting to just fall back asleep, she forces open her eyes. She's greeted by Marc's eyes, looking at her with worry. His arm raised with the cloth pressed to the side of his head.

"Are you alright, my love?" Steven says, his eyes changing slightly.

She glances around, standing up slowly. Steven helping her with worried eyes. They're in an unfamiliar room. Just four concrete walls, some boxes around the place, a sink that looks very broken and a metal door that's been barricaded. Judging by the fact there's no windows she'd say they're underground which she doesn't like at all.

"Hey Jas?" Steven says, his free hand coming up to her face. Cupping her cheek in his hand and making her look at him. She leans into his hand, closing her eyes again. That's when all the memories of what just happened come flooding back to her.

"I tried to kill you" she whispers quietly, opening her eyes again to meet Steven and Marc's. Her eyes now brimming with tears already. Steven's face changes, a frown beginning to form.

"It wasn't you Jas, you couldn't stop it" Marc says. "Hey, look at me" he says.

Jasmine shakes her head, looking down at the ground. Instead of making her look up, Marc bends down to look up at her. Making it impossible for her to look at anything but him.

"Don't you dare blame yourself, Jasmine. That was completely out of your control. Completely. It was just those arseholes messin with your mind again but they're gone now. You're safe. You're with me" he says.

A few tears make their way out of her eyes. She quickly wipes them away and looks up, trying to prevent more from coming out.

Marc's stood back up, back in her eye line.

"Jasmine" Steven says gently, "it's okay to cry"

She meets his eyes now, her lip wobbling with the tears making their way down her face.

Steven gives her a sad smile, opening his arms and motioning for her to hug him.

Instead, she kisses him instead. Completely closing the gap between them. It takes Steven by surprise but he quickly melts into it. The kiss is merged with her tears but Steven doesn't seem to care.

When she reluncantly pulls away, she stays close to him. Wiping her tears away on her sleeve, she finally looks back at them, a question popping back in her mind.

"How did we get out?" She asks.

"Yeah..." Steven says.

"About that..." Marc adds. "Well, apparently me and Steven aren't the only ones in this body"

"I'm Jake" Marc's face shifts completely, his eyes gaining a slight manic look to them. Jasmine briefly wonders if she is supposed to let go of him, since her arms are still around his abdomen and his hands are rested on her waist. But he doesn't pull away and he certainly doesn't look unhappy. Given Marc and Steven haven't actually said anything about it, she guesses it's okay.

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