Chapter 24

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It's been 3 weeks since the final battle took place.

Jasmine spent some time alone to think about some things. Think about what Marc said about her sister. She spent 3 days in total alone in her apartment. Marc and Steven had messaged her daily, just asking is she was okay. She was also thinking back to when she was attacked by the Hospital's people only a few days before the whole Harrow and Ammit thing started.

How they said they wanted her back, it's put her on edge to say the least.

However, it has been 3 weeks now and no further attacks have been made, she's also seen nobody that's actually paying attention to her. It's started to put her mind at ease but something just feels off.

Regardless, she now lays asleep in her apartment. The bed covers pulled tightly around her body, her hair splayed out over the pillow and her body twitching slightly from whatever dream she is having.

Or nightmare.

Given by the way she dives up from her position, panting and looking around frantically, it was a nightmare.

Gripping the bedsheets, she reassures herself she's back in reality.

She brings her legs up to her chest, resting her forehead on her knees with her hands wrapped around her legs. A sigh leaving her slightly parted mouth.

She stays in this position, in complete silence until her phone rings, and loudly making her jump out of her skin.

She looks and sees it's her alarm. She switches it off and lays back down in the bed. Hoping to sneak in a few more minutes of 'resting her eyes' when her phone pings. She reaches out, tilting the screen so she can look at it. Squinting slightly at the brightness of it. It's Marc and Steven's number.

Get up lazy arse, you're supposed to have an interview in an hour.

She reads the message, drops the phone back down and lays her head in the pillow. Then his message really sinks into her tired brain.

"Crap" Jasmine simply says, rushing out of bed and too the bathroom. She's sure if she didn't have the pair of them, she'd be a mess. Well, she is a mess, but she's more of an... organised mess thanks to Steven and Marc.

An hour later, Jasmine sits in the waiting room of the doctors, waiting for her interview. She lost her last job as an interpreter due to missing a few days without ringing. Her 'holiday' to Egypt took longer than she anticipated and to be honest, she completely forgot about her job. So when she returned, she was fired on the spot.

She has had numerous interviews in other places, but considering she's been fired from the only job she had and doesn't exactly have a great list of qualifications. Finding a job has proven to be a lot harder than it first was. Everytime she applies she gets the same excuse she's 'not what they're looking for' or she 'lives too far'.

She's starting to think everyone's just against her. And given she only has enough money left to pay for one more months rent, she's getting desperate. She's sure Marc and Steven would gladly help, but she doesn't want to reply on them. Plus, they have their own things to pay for.

"Isabella Harvard" someone says.

Jasmine stands up and they flash her a smile, "would you like to follow me?" they say, and Jasmine nods, following behind.

Jasmine had told Marc and Steven about what the people who attacked her had said about the Hospital wanting her back. They decided it was probably a smart idea to change her name so they couldn't track her easily. So they chose Isabella Harvard instead, since according to Steven, Harvard is a common name in this part of London. Jasmine and Marc where unsure of how true that was.

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