Chapter 2

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She pulls the leather jacket over her torso, before sighing and looking in the mirror in the hallway. Double checking there's no lipstick on her teeth or smudged mascara. Fixing the one small strand of hair that doesn't seem to want to stay in place. It's driving her crazy.

She takes one final look at herself. Her hair in a ponytail, small waves running down it, reaching the middle of her upper back. Contrasting to her platinum hair, her hazel eyes are definitely her most noticeable feature. She wears a black dress that reaches the middle of her thigh, tights, the leather jacket and black flats. In her ear, she wears her silver piercings and on her hand she wears matching silver rings.

Tonight, she has her first date since... well ever. Between her time in the hospital and being Orisis avatar, it never really left much room for her to have her own life. But now, she's been free from Orisis for about three months now. She got a pretty stable job, an apartment she's happy with and now, a date. Orisis claimed that since he got to her at such a young age, only 17, and she has served him well for the past ten years, he wanted her to live her life.

She has to admit, it's been a nice change. Having control over her own life for once. Although she does sometimes miss knowing she wasn't completely alone in the world. It's not only Orisis she misses though...

Grabbing her bag, she heads out the door. Being sure to lock it behind her before leaving the apartment block and into the busy street of London. She walks about 30 minutes down the street to the restaurant they decided to meet at. Some steak place she's never been to because of how expensive it is. Although she has to admit, the smell has often tempted her. When her date suggested this place, she happily agreed.

Walking in, the smell is immediate and makes her mouth water. The place is packed with people, a soft music filling the air. There's tables everywhere, even outside. Although there is a shelter over the tables which doesn't surprise her. If there's one thing she's learned about England, is it rains. A lot.

"How can I help you ma'am?" The waiter asks, stood behind what she assumes is the place were you check in. She's still learning how stuff like this works.

"I have a table reservation for two at 7?" She says.

The waiter scans the book and then smiles, "Miss Harvard yes?"

"That's the one" she replies.

"Follow me, I'll take you to your table" they say. Jasmine follows them deeper into the restaurant until the waiter stops at a small table for two, a rose placed in the middle with candles either side. "Would you like to order now?"

"I think I'll wait for my date" Jasmine smiles.

"As you wish ma'am. I will keep an eye out as I am your waiter for the evening" he says, returning the smile before walking away.

Jasmine takes her seat, placing her bag by her feet and glancing around at the other people in there. There's all sorts of different people. That has to be one of the things she admires about humans, how different they all are. Each one unique in their own way with their own story to follow. It fascinates her, how all these people can have their own complex lives outside her own.

There's families laughing, couples sharing a romantic evening and others who have come alone simply to enjoy the steak. She doesn't blame them in the slightest.

"Evening" she hears a voice say. She turns to the source of the sound and see's a pretty young woman taking a seat opposite her. Jasmine smiles, recognising her to be the woman whom she asked on a date. She has long brown hair and bright green eyes.

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