Chapter 19

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TW: violence, gore


Her eyes glide up to where Steven is, she's just about able to see him. She hoped that looking at him would bring her some comfort, but the fear in his eyes only increases the fear she feels. He can see what going on less than a metre from her. She can't.

The dragging sound stops, but it's followed by the sound of something being lifted up and slammed down onto a table. From what Jasmine can tell, it's a body. Especially with the moans that come with it. She draws her legs a little tighter to herself, worried she'll be seen.

Again, she looks up at Steven who now seems to be seeing the fear in Jasmine's face. He looks at her, trying to give her a reassuring look but all of it goes away at the scrape of metal.

The noise that follows makes both Jasmine's and Steven's blood run cold.

The sound of someone being stabbed, the pained moan coming from their mouth. Jasmine guesses that are badly injured because any other person would have screamed, especially when whatever is being used begins to slice them open. Steven watches Jasmine's eyes close, pulling a face as if she's trying to calm herself before she opens them again.

The following sounds are no better, although given the man is no longer moaning Jasmine believes they are dead. Probably for the best since it sounds like they're being pulled open now.

Jasmine sees as a blue hand with long nails, or claws, she can't quite tell, reach down beside her. It drops some kind of internal organ into a little bloody pot. The smell of death is horrendous.

Her eye's widen slightly, realising she's in real danger here of being seen. And when the blood begins to drip over the side of the table and onto her face, she decides she needs to move.

There's awful sucking sounds as she takes a last look up at Steven, who from his expression knows what she's thinking before she begins to move.

Slowly. Ever so slowly she moves. Sucking sounds joined by wet sounds as blood splashes around.

Using her hands and feet, she raises herself off the ground slightly and begins to move around to the other side of the table. She's just about made it when she leans back against the table. Placing herself on the floor. In her horror-stricken state, she seems to forget she is wearing a backpack.

The backpack pushes one of the pots against the table, making an unmissable and loud clang noise.

Jasmine quietly sets the pot down. Then the clicking noises begin and she freezes. When she hears the creature move, she knows she's still visible. So she pushes herself further along the table now unable to see Steven.

Then there's the creek of wood from above. Steven probably trying to get a better look at what's going on below him.

Everything seems to freeze. Whatever the creature is, it makes an awful screeching sound, jumping up on the table which makes Jasmine tuck her legs as tight up to her as possible.

She can only hope Steven is out of sight too. There's a few more clicking sounds before the creature dives up onto the wooden floorboards.

Jasmine turns around, her worry for Steven outweighing her animalistic need to run. She peers over the table, seeing this awful looking, blue-skinned creature crawling along the underside of the wooden platform Steven is stood on.

He's stood up now, fear written all over his face. Jasmine grabs one of the bloody pots, about to throw it at the creature as it's about to climb over to Steven, but the blood on the pot makes it slippy. Jasmine not realising it was wet.

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