Chapter 12

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TW: violence


Jasmine walks out of the crowd, taking off her hood to expose her face.

"I have it" she says, holding up the scarab. Everyone looks at her. Steven looking pretty shocked that she followed them. Harrow looking slightly panicked.

"You couldn't possibly understand the value of what you're holding Jasmine" Arthur says as Jasmine walks forward. The people forming around the back of her, edging her towards him and Steven. "Let me have it, I'll keep it safe"

"There is no deal in this Marc, fix this!" Khonshu says, stood behind Steven.

Jasmine comes to a stop beside Steven, still holding the scarab.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid Arthur?" Jasmine scoffs. "Do not drop this" she says, dropping the scarab into Steven's hand. She's going to need her hands to fight her way out of here, and she already knows Steven's never fought a day in his life. But he's more than capable of holding onto that.

"So be it" Arthur says.

"Lets go" Jasmine says, grabbing Steven's arm and pulling him towards a staircase as the people go for them.

A man grabs Jasmine's arm in an attempt to stop them. Both her and Steven shove the guy.

"Get off her!" Steven says. The guy goes flying backwards onto the table behind him.

Jasmine runs for the stairs, Steven following only a couple steps behind. She runs up a second set before feeling the ground shake. She knows exactly what Arthur's doing.

"Steven!" She shouts down to Steven whose stopped for some reason.

"Yeah!" He shouts back, running for the stairs.

Jasmine turns around to see one of the guys walk out of the doorway they're going through, and he's clearly not going to just left them pass.

As he goes for her, she kicks him in the stomach, making him hit the wall behind. She delivers a punch to his face, grabbing his collar, kneeing him in the stomach and then throwing him off the side, straight through the barrier and he falls to the floor. Which isn't exactly far down. But he does take out some wooden roof on his way.

She turns around to see Steven in awe, which she finds a little funny. She runs towards him, grabbing his arm.

"That was awesome" he says. Jasmine gives him a small smile before dragging him through the door. They run down a dark hallway and through a double door.

"Bolt the door!" Jasmine says, shoving a plank of wood through the handles. They both fall back, going down a small set of stairs and into the rest of the room. It's just one big room with no other way out apart from the window. Which Jasmine doesn't fancy jumping out of.

"Oh my god" Steven says looking around, "I'm going to die in an evil magicians man cave" there's a pounding on the door.

"You won't die Steven" Jasmine says, appearing in front of him. Taking his hands in hers and looking up at him, "look at me"

He looks at the door nervously then down at Jasmine. "I need you to listen to me carefully Steven. There's a suit, I've seen you use it. I want you to bring it out" she says, she knows there's a jackal on the way and she doesn't particularly fancy fighting it and worrying about how exposed Steven is.

"No" he shakes his head.

"Steven will you let Marc in then?" Jasmine asks, but he shakes his head, "Steven I need you to fight" she says, hearing the mob that's behind those doors and the soon-to-be jackal, she's really going to struggle alone. "Steven I need you to. I can't take them by myself"

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