Chapter 13

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TW: gore, violence


Jasmine and Marc run over the roof, the guy they need to talk to is currently being interrogated by a few gang members, so they need to get there quick.

They both jump up a wall, pulling themselves up and over it, only to see the guy they need has already been stabbed and killed.

"Oh shit. You killed him? Damn I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig site" Marc says, hopping down off the ledge, Jasmine following him. "Guess we'll just have to talk to you"

"You're too late. You'll never find Harrow"

"Really?" Marc says, one of the guys pulling out a decent sized knife.

"You deal with these guys, I'll go see if I can find anymore information" Jasmine says.

"Oh yeah, just leave me here why don't you" Marc says.

Jasmine smirks, kissing his cheek before jumping off the side of the building, landing on the balcony then lowering herself down to the floor. Shocking the people walking by slightly but she ignores them and goes off to see if she can find out some more information.

After what feels like forever of looking and getting no where she decides to see if Marc got anything out of those people. Following Osiris's directions to Marc's where abouts, she finds herself on top of the side of a cliff. Slightly out of breath from the climb up.

She walks around the side of a parked jeep and what she finds shocks her a little.

There's one dead guy covered in blood with multiple stab wounds, Marc, whose splattered in blood but seemingly unharmed, but a guy he's just stabbed falls to the ground. There's also a very scared looking, and injured kid behind him. And there's Khonshu sat to the side. Marc's holding a large knife in his hand as it's covered in blood.

"What?" Marc whispers, confused and looking around. "Steven, what the hell did you do?" He says, Jasmine can tell this wasn't Steven. And it clearly wasn't Marc either.

Marc sees Jasmine, looking a little confused at her then sees the kid.

He walks towards him slightly, the kid pulling himself backwards, his leg injured.

"Where's the tomb?" Marc asks.

"Take him to the ledge" Khonshu says. Jasmine stares at him like he's going crazy.

"He's just a kid" Marc says, voicing Jasmine's thoughts.

"He'll talk" Khonshu replies.

Marc sighs, walking towards the kid, picking him up then pushing him backwards to the ledge. He holds him by his collar and scarf to begin with.

"Where's Harrow?" Marc says pretty loudly. When the kid doesn't reply, he repeats it but shouting this time. He also lets the kid go a little further, only holding onto his scarf. The kid looks down at the drop, then back at Marc.

"Praise Ammit" he says.

"No kid" Marc whispers as Jasmine starts to move forward, realising what's about to happen. The kid pulls out a knife, cutting straight through the scarf and falling.

Jasmine runs forward, about to catch him with her magic but as she gets there, Marc's arm goes around her waist stopping her from falling too. One of his hands on her back as they both look down. They see the kid, dead at the bottom. The guilty look on Marc's face is undeniable.

"Hmm" Khonshu hums. "I thought he'd talk"

"You're sick" Jasmine spits at Khonshu, pushing Marc's arm off her and walking away.

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