Chapter 29

429 29 18

TW: violence, gore, death


Her eyes glide around the arch of people until they meet Reece's. He smirks slightly, looking at Jasmine. The blood dribbling from her nose and eyebrow. Her hair tied up in a now messy pony tail and her chest rising and falling with deep breaths, her mouth parted slightly. Her blood stained teeth visible from biting the inside of her mouth when her face hit the ground.

"Hello Jasmine" he says. His voice hasn't changed a bit and it send chills down Jasmine's spine.

She doesn't reply to him.

"Look how grown up you are now" he says, taking a step closer as Jasmine takes one back. She can see Marc and Steven pulling at the people holding them back.

"Get away from her" Marc says, his voice is loud. Jasmines never heard him like that before. She would say he was scary if his words were directed at her. She just shakes her head at him, shouting won't get them anywhere.

"I've got to say, I'm impressed you avoided us for this long. But obviously, your weakness for love betrayed you again. Just like last time" he says, almost sounding bored like Jasmine is just that predictable. "Honestly, take it as a compliment"

"What do you want?" Jasmine says, her voice colder than normal. No emotion beneath her words. It makes him smile, and then chuckle.

"You, obviously" he says.

There's a sharp prick in the side of her neck, making her jump and yank the thing out. The syringe falls to the floor, a blue liquid inside. For a moment Jasmine is afraid they've drugged her to make her fall asleep. But she knows that if they had she'd already be gone. But she isn't.

"I'm sure you'r confused" he says.

Jasmine turns on him. "What the hell was that?" She says, her voice getting louder. She feels a little empty now.

"Relax. We couldn't take any chances with you, at least not until we have you back under control. So we took away the only thing that makes you special" he says.

Jasmine immediately knows what he's talking about. There is only one thing that makes her special. Her magic.

She glances at her hand. "Go ahead, try it. I assure you it won't work. We've had people working on it since you escaped. Although since you killed the smartest person we had, your sister, it took longer than we wanted" he says. If looks could kill, this guy would be dead by now.

Although Jasmine does as she's told and she tests it. Lifting her hand, and sure enough nothing comes out of her. In a way she's relieved. I mean this is what she wanted right? To be normal?

But looking around at her situation, she longs for those powers back.

"You arsehole!" Jasmine shouts, her fist connects with the side of his face. He stumbles back a few steps, grabbing his nose then looking at Jasmine and shaking his head.

"This is what I mean Jasmine! You're so... aggressive, that's exactly why we took them away!" He says, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Well who made me like that huh?" She says. "Who made me!" She now shouts. She's close enough to him to see the spark of fear inside his eyes. It's satisfying.

"Me of course, and now I want you back" he says. "I mean we tried, really we did. I gather you had some bad head pain a couple days ago? Maybe blacked out?" Jasmine glances over at Marc and Steven. "We tried to reconnect with your brain. You still have some of the serum inside you that we used to control you - if you will - but, everything's changed now you see. We insert this little chip into the brain instead. You escaped before it was perfected. Although, you will still conform to the code words" he says.

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