Chapter 22

750 37 21

TW: blood, gore, violence, death


Jasmine stands there beneath the rubble. Her hands held above her head and her body ducked slightly. Looking up, the purple shield covers her. Holding off chunks of rock as it slides down and crumbles to the floor.

She lets the shield fall, walking forwards and climbing up the rubble until she's stood on top of a flat slab in front of all the rubble and looking down on the now partially destroyed chamber. Bodies of the avatars laying around. Jasmine can see Yatzil layed there, unmoving. It's obvious she's dead.

Too many sacrifices have been made today. Far too many.

"Are you ready?" Osiris says.

"As I'll ever be" she says, and then the new suit Osiris has come up with begins to form around her body.

The suit is tight fitting, a mixture of blue and purple patterns against the black. Her arms are bear, but on her hand she wears a glove that covers part of her wrist, her fingers are bare and it connects between her thumb and first finger. An arch shape on the back and palm of her hand. There's a sensation that runs down her back, forming the back cape behind her, Osiris's symbol in the middle of it. The cape runs down to her ankles before stopping. On her feet, she wears black boots that stop just before her knees.

On her head, a piece of head wear forms. One that curves before stopping at her cheekbones. The two points on either side of it almost resemble a pair of devil horns. Her hair has changed too, it's no longer in the messed up ponytail it was in. Instead, it's down in it's natural waves, laying down her back with seemingly more volume than usual.

"How do you feel?" Osiris asks, standing at the edge of the rubble, even though he is stood lower down that Jasmine, his size still makes him taller than her.

"I feel..." she says, "great actually"

She feels powerful, more so than usual. Like she's had a burst of energy within herself.

"Well, I may have had a few ideas and a designed this suit to help keep up your energy levels for longer. So you can use more, and more powerful magic" he says.

Jasmine smiles slightly. "How did you even do that?"

"Don't underestimate a God, sweetheart" he says. "I tell you what. They're either going to want to kill you, kiss you, or be you"

"Then lets go show them they can do none" she says with a smirk, making her way down the rubble.

She runs out of the pyramid, Arthur's men all gone by now but something tells her they haven't gone very far as she looks across the distance and to Cario.

"Yeah so, how are we going to get there exactly?" Jasmine says, raising an eyebrow, "don't know about you but I certainly cannot run all the way there. At least not quick enough"

"Use your magic Jasmine, that's what I made the suit for" he says.

"I can't fly" she laughs a little.

"You underestimate yourself" Osiris says.

Jasmine sighs, "okay, I can do this. I can do this"

At her sides, the purple and blue glow forms in her hands, and then she lifts off the ground. The magic coming off her and casting a glow behind her as she goes up.

"Oh my god I'm flying" she says looking down at the trail she's leaving behind. "Now lets kill this arsehole" she says, her voice darker than before.

She leans forward, and then moves forward. Her cape flaps behind her and her hair is swept back at she goes.

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