Chapter 9

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Back at the Premier Inn, Marc wakes Jasmine to collect her things then once everything is collected and packed in the car, Jasmine drives them back to the airport.

Once they arrive there, the sky is dark but that doesn't decrease the amount of people here. They book themselves in, both of them grabbing some dinner from MacDonalds before sitting in the waiting area waiting for their flight to arrive.

It seems to drag on forever, Marc even ends hip falling asleep which doesn't surprise Jasmine really. They haven't exactly got much to do. She stays awake though, not wanting them to miss their flight. When the announcement is made that their flight is boarding, Jasmine shifts slightly, Marc's head rested against her shoulder with him slumped in his seat.

"Marc" she says quietly, gently shaking his shoulder, "hey, Marc"

"Hmm" she hears him hum, not even making an attempt to move.

"Our flight's boarding" she replies.

"About time" he replies, slowly sitting up. Rubbing his forehead.

"Move your arse lazy sod" Jasmine teases, standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Who slept in the car the whole way back?" Marc points out.

"At least I don't snore" she replies with a smirk, beginning to walk away.

"I don't snore!" Marc says, quickly grabbing his stuff to catch up with her, "do I?"

Their flight seems to go by in a blur. They seem to board, then they're begin shaken awake by some air hostess who smiles saying they've landed.

Jasmine, a little confused, realises her and Marc slept the whole flight and people are getting off. She sees Marc is also waking up, both of them lifting their heads up. Jasmine lifting her head off Marc's and Marc lifting his head off Jasmines shoulder. They look at each other for a moment, giving each other a tired smile before getting off the plane with everyone else.

"Tell me you booked a taxi" Jasmine says as they walk out into the cold air of England.

"Of course I did" Marc replies, although he doesn't sound to sure. Jasmine can see him grab his phone and do something on it.

They head over to the taxi area, stood by one of the waiting posts. There's a few taxi's there, all of them having people getting inside.

"So where is it?" Jasmine asks.

"Probably just running late" Marc replies.

Jasmine nods, leaning back against the post behind her.

It's 20 minutes later and they're still stood there. The wind picking up immensely and both of them stood with their arms folded trying to stay warm.

"You didn't book a taxi did you?" Jasmine says in a slightly annoyed voice.

"There it is!" Marc says, obviously avoiding her question. He definitely just ordered the taxi.

Jasmine sighs, shaking her head slightly as he walks over to the taxi, following just behind him.

They put their bags in the back, getting into the back of the taxi.

"Sorry but because you booked so late you're going to have to share with someone else, you were lucky that the man let you in in the first place" the driver says. Jasmine gives Marc a look.

"That's fine" Marc replies.

They're waiting about 5 minutes before the other person comes. Jasmine's side door opens, revealing a larger man in his late 50s, early 60s. He's got grey hair and a grey moustache. He looks rather pleased.

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