Chapter 21

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TW: violence, gore, death


Marc and Steven died trying to stop Arthur from releasing Ammit. So Jasmine knows she won't let their sacrifice go to waste.

She will stop Arthur, even if she dies trying to.

She can still hear Arthur's men which means they haven't gotten very far, in theory she could just go kill him now but in this tight space and the amount of men he has, there's no guarantee Jasmine will be able to get the ushabti and get out of here in order to hide the ushabti again. Someplace nobody but her will know.

"Jasmine, the woman" Osiris says, his voice not pushy but still there's a desperation behind it. All that's left now is himself and Jasmine to stop Arthur.

Her now wet eyes drift over to where the body of the woman who Jasmine knocked out lays and an idea pops into her mind. She can go undercover as one of Harrow's men. She can do exactly what she was trained to do, spy and then kill.

Quickly and quietly, Jasmine strips the lady, making sure to leave her decent and not strip her completely. Only taking her jacket and face covering before hurriedly slipping down the hallways to join Harrow's men. Her eyes steering clear of Marc and Steven's body. She's not sure she would be able to go through with this task if she took another look at his lifeless and bloodied form. Only fury is powering her now. Her need for revenge.

Arthur's men make quick work to gather up their things and get into the trucks. Jasmine isn't entirely sure where they are heading as she sits on the end of a truck, her face covered. But just as the thought crosses her mind, Osiris answers.

"They will be heading to the Great Pyramid of Giza. We are at our most powerful there. They will release Ammit there. Kill him before he gets the chance then get out of there" Osiris says. More killing, Jasmine thinks.

If there's one thing she wants to end, it's all the killing. Even when she tries to escape it, it always seems to come back to her. Just one more time, she thinks, for Marc. For Steven. For me.

They're travelling for at least 20 minutes before they finally reach a road, but when  they do there is some kind of control there. Checking people who are passing through. As the cars come to a stop, Jasmine sees Arthur getting out the car in front. The guards shouting at him in Arabic to get back into the car although his other followers are also getting out. Jasmine can tell something is about to happen. Which also means now could be the perfect opportunity to kill him, while he isn't expecting it.

Right now, he believes he has the high ground.

Jasmine slips out of the van, just able to catch what Arthur says over the wind.

"You need to show us your souls" he says. Then with one bang of his cane on the ground, this purple mass comes out of the bodies of the guards. Bodies rise into the air, their bodies shaking and contorting in ways that will forever be burned into Jasmine's mind as their souls are judged.

All the souls seem to break apart from their bodies, floating up into the air as their bodies drop hard to the ground in a heap. All except one man.

Jasmine begins to move, knowing time is of the essence. Reaching under her shirt that comes just past her hip, she unsheathes the small knife that hangs there. It may only be small but Jasmine can make it work. She knows at least 20 different ways to kill someone with a knife of this size. She walks past one car where a body lays.

"Don't do it!" A female voice says from beside Jasmine. Confused and slightly shocked she looks to the side, seeing nothing but a body of a guard whose soul was not balanced. Then the body jerks up and is seemingly alive, but it still looks dead. Confused, Jasmine wonders if some dead people still get muscles spasms. She has seem similar things a few times. So she continues to walk past.

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