Chapter 11

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Steven pushes open the door, waiting for Jasmine to walk in first. She walks inside, glancing around. It's still the same as it was the other day.

She bends down in front of the fish tank, the new fish that Marc must have bought swimming around. It looks identical aside from the fact it has two fins instead of one.

"I just want my life back" Steven says.

Jasmine turns around, confused. "What?" She says.

"Oh, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to myself, kind of" he says, placing the bag down on the side.

Jasmine wanders to one of the bookshelves. The same one Marc pushed her against only two days ago. The memory making her lips upturn slightly.

Picking up a book, she reads the title. "Marceline Desbordes-Valmore?"

"Yep" Steven says. Jasmine smiles, nodding a little.

"N'ecris pas. Je suits triste, et je voudrian m'eteindre" Steven starts, then Jasmine joins in. "Les beaux etes sans toi, c'est la unit sans flambeau" they finish together.

"Oui Oui" Steven says, "she's my favourite poet"

Jasmine smiles a little, "mine too"

She wanders over to a desk filled with books. "So you know french and hieroglyphics?"

"Yeah well... thats not that impressive really" he says, coming over to her. "It's not like hieroglyphs are a whole language. Just more like a.."

"Like an alaphabet" Jasmine finishes for him.

"Yeah... well you still have to know Acient Egyptian to read it"

"Mhm" Jasmine hums.

"For example" he says opening a book, "like this one here, right?"

"Funeral rites" she says. Steven looks at her a little stunned.

"Well, someone knows their unilaterals. You" he says, "thats... that's amazing"

Jasmine laughs a little, "sorry I don't mean that in like a creepy way" he says a little panicked, which makes Jasmine laugh a bit more. 

"You're quite the history nerd aren't you Steven?" Jasmine says, with a small smile.

"I-I guess" he replies, a little embarrassed.

Jasmine smiles at him, "so, what were you doing at the locker?" She asks, walking over to the gym bag.

"Erm" Steven says. Jasmine reaches for the zip but the bag disappears from in front of her. Steven yanking it off the table and holding it closely too him. "No, no sorry. There's erm..."

"Steven what is going on?" Jasmine asks, trying not to push it but she really needs to get that scarab off Steven. She can't risk him getting it lost, or getting himself hurt because of it.

"Jasmine get that scarab. Harrows on his way" Osiris says, making Jasmine look at him. She sees Steven follow her eyes but Osiris vanishes.

"Listen I... I don't know what's been happening. I don't expect you to believe me. I don't really believe myself but... I keep. Well I thought they were dreams at first" he starts to explain, "I have a sleeping disorder you see, that's what the cuff and the sand is for"

Jasmine looks over to the bed where there is indeed, an ankle cuff and sand which somehow she's never noticed.

"Well, I thought they were dreams cause well... you were there. But then I started seeing the people in those dreams. One of them attacked me at the museum with an Egyptian Jakyll, thats what happened to the toliets cause this guy... this, Marc he like took over my body and... it's crazy I know but I don't know what's happening"

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