Chapter 28

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TW: violence, gore


They stand in front of the memorial statue of Sokovia. It's a place Jasmine only visited once. Not long after it was built. She felt obliged to come, even if she didn't live here for long.

"It's hard to believe that this place used to be a large, happy city" Steven says.

"I wouldn't exactly call it happy" Jasmine says. "Civil wars took over the place"

"Steven you can be really stupid sometimes, you know?" Marc says.

"You're really getting on my nerves, Marc" Steven counters.

"You're literally like toddlers" Jasmine says, shaking her head.

"Does it make you sad? Being here?" Steven asks.

"Not really. I mean, I guess there's a bit of sadness there, but not for the place. I wasn't here that long, don't remember much of the place. Just a couple memories. We mostly kept to ourselves, it wasn't safe to go into the city often" she says.

"I've got to admit" Marc says. "After all these years, I'm excited to see where you really grew up"

"Lets go see it then" she says with a little smile, intertwining their fingers.

Since Jasmine didn't live too far outside the city so they decide to walk. That and the fact they don't currently have a mode of transport avaniable to them. Marc and Steven have her tell them about some of her fun memories here. Like when they raised baby chickens for the egg farm down their street, or the time a stray dog wandered into their yard. They took him in, caring for him until eventually his owners came to retrieved him.

Marc and Steven listen to her stories, but they have a genuine interest in them. Asking her questions every now and then, enjoying learning more about the woman whom they call their soulmate. Learning about who she used to be, and whom she could have been.

"You know, I'm starting to think this place doesn't actually exist" Steven says as they continue to walk down the gravel road through the woodland.

Jasmine chuckles slightly, "it's down here" she says, motioning to a track.

"Got your own private road and everything, didn't tell me you were rich babe" Marc says, nudging her with his shoulder.

"Keep dreaming" Jasmine scoffs, "come on, as excited as I am for you to meet my parents, I'd rather get them out alive before we start formal introductions"

"Right" Steven replies, suddenly being reminded this isn't some fun family holiday.

As they walk down the driveway, the house starts to come into view. It's a nice house, a stereotypical farm house if you will. Just minus the farm. Ivy vines crawling up the sides, potted plants in the front porch. It looks well taken care of.

"Jesus, you lived here" Marc says, admiring the place.

Jasmine doesn't reply, the nerves building inside her from facing her parents again. Don't get her wrong, she loves her parents as much as any child would. But the thought of facing them again, knowing she killed their youngest daughter makes her nauseous.

"Are you alright? You've gone pale" Steven says.

"Yeah" Jasmine says, clearing her throat realising she had stopped, "just nervous I guess"

"They're going to love you, Jasmine" Steven says encouragingly, putting his hands on her shoulders. "5 years old or an old bugger, you're still their little girl" Marc adds.

"You're an arsehole, Marc" she says, rolling her eyes but there's a slight smile on her face.

He smirks at her, "lets go give them a surprise visit, hmm?" He says.

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