Chapter 32

352 21 2

TW: violence, gore


Jasmine moves out of the way so she's stood in front of the gap opening up before her. Marc, Steven and Jake join her at her side.

Then the door clicks in place. They both stare down the dimly lit hallway in silence. Stone walls, stone floor, stone ceiling. The lights not doing much to light the place, providing enough light to cast a eerie glow and to be able to see where the wall is. They also create a low humming noise which only adds to the eerie feeling. Neither of them like it.

Jasmine stares down it, her heart rate picking up. It feels as if it could bounce out of her chest at any moment. She wouldn't be surprised if Marc, Steven and Jake could hear it beating inside her chest. She knows she can, it's like she can hear the blood rushing in her ears.

"You okay?" Steven asks.

"Hmm? Yeah" Jasmine replies.

"Are you going?" Jake asks.

Jasmine nods. But she still doesn't move.

"Love? Are you sure you're alright?" Steven asks, stepping a little closer and facing her.

"Look Steven, please" Jasmine says, "I've spent my entire life trying to escape this place and now I'm about to walk back in there. I just... I need a moment. Please"

"Right yep, yeah. As long as you need" Steven says, taking a step back to give her space.

Jasmine glances down the hallway, letting out a deep breath.

"Oh fuck it" she says, walking straight down there.

Steven quickly jogs behind her to catch up before matching her brisk pace.

With every step they take, Jasmine's heart seems to beat harder, faster. The further they go into the darkness. She can't even see Steven's face properly in here the lighting is so bad. But she knows it's just a straight hallway with a few twists. For now anyway.

She feels like she's about to throw up, so she reaches out for Steven, Marc and Jake. Her hand fumbling around in the dark, trying to find his hand and repeatedly finding his abdomen instead. He grabs her hand, his thumb brushing the back of her hand, while his other hand rests on the lower part of her back.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" Marc whispers. Jasmine can feel her heart rate slow. While it doesn't return to it's normal pace, it helps considerably.

After about 5 minutes of walking, turning a few corners Jasmine begins to slow down. This is where things get complicated.

She lowers her voice to a lower whisper. "Sometimes people would patrol these areas. Since we're getting closer. Keep an eye out, be careful. Do not make a sound"

She can just make out his shape enough to see him nod. She slides her hand out of his, gripping her gun instead and slowly, they creep down the hallway branching to the left.

One by one, they pass through the hallways without trouble.

Jasmine almost believes they will make it inside without any trouble until they get to the final hallway they have to go down. Two guards and walking straight towards them.

Jasmine quickly pushes Marc back and they both stand flat against the wall.

She looks over at Marc, using her hands to signal someone's coming. Knowing Marc will understand, even if Steven and Jake don't. He nods.

She closes her eyes. Listening to the sound of their boots walking down the hallway. Each step getting closer. When they finally sound like they're right beside her, she opens her eyes just as they come around the corner.

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