Chapter 23

656 42 15

TW: gore, violence, death


They land just outside the pyramid, Jasmine walking straight into the darkness of the place. Marc following a few steps behind her.

"I didn't know you could fly" Marc says.

"I can't" Jasmine replies, "the suit Osiris made, it allows me to use more of my magic, perseveres my energy"

Marc hums in reply as they climb up a pile of rubble.

When they make it into the pyramid, it's dark. Not dark enough that they can't see, but it's not exactly light either.

Mark walks over to a slab of rock which has a beam of light on it from who knows where. Jasmine's actually a little confused at where it is coming from given it's dark right now. But then again, she's learned not to question anything anymore.

He places Harrow down on it, his arms splaying to the sides as he goes down like a ragdoll. Whoever was fronting when Marc blacked out much have hit him hard.

"The power of this chamber should help us bind Ammit to Harrow's body" Jasmine explains to Marc.

She offers her hand out to him and he takes it. She gives him a nod and they both look forward, lifting their free hands out and they begin to chant.

As they chant, the purple glow, similar to that of Harrow's cane, begins to form a circle around them and Harrow. Going around each statue that represents the gods, the eyes of the statues lighting up.

After a few moments, a purple mist begins to come down from above and goes straight into Harrow's body which twitch's as it does so. It's Ammit being binded.

The spell finishes and the last of the purple mist enters Harrow's body. Jasmine doesn't let go of Marc's hand though.

"You'll never contain me" Ammit says, through Harrow, "I'll never stop"

Then Harrow's body goes limp and Marc takes a huge breath, his hand coming out of Jasmines and onto his chest.

Jasmine looks at him, concerned when Khonshu appears beside them.

Jasmine can't help but wonder where Osiris is.

"Finish it" Khonshu says to Marc, "leave neither of them alive"

Jasmine looks up at Khonshu who practically ignores her. She looks back seeing Marc grab Arthur by the shirt, pulling him up and his other hand pulling back, the moon knife held within it. But he pauses.

Jasmine knows Marc doesn't want to do it. Kill yet another under Khonshu.

Then she looks at Harrow. No matter what he's done, he believed he was doing it for the right reasons. To create world peace, and while he could have chosen better ways to do it. She can't help but remember the man Harrow used to be. When she met him all those years ago for the first time. He was kind to her, being such a young avatar, he taught her how to act within the chamber. He taught her what it really means to be an avatar for an Egyptian God.

That man has gone, but so has the man who was killing people for the chance they may become evil. Right now, the man she sees is a scared one. A scared boy whose staring death in the face. It's the face of someone who is about to die. A face Jasmine knows all too well, and has been the cause of too many times. It's a face you never forget.

Right now, she can stop the death awaiting Harrow. Ammit cannot get out again, and Harrow can continue to live.

"While he lives, so does she" Khonshu says, the manipulative voice that's trapped Marc and so many other before him for years. Tormenting them for years and making their lives a living hell. All of them believing they have no choice.

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