Chapter 7

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TW: violence


After getting off the plane, Jasmine and Marc travelled further. Hiring a car since it was cheaper than a taxi. They drove for hours. Switching between who drove until finally, late in the evening they got to a premier inn and got two rooms. They agreed to meet up in the morning at the restaurant that comes free with the room for breakfast and then travel to the small village in the Alps where the transaction of the scarab is taking place.

The village is only a 2 hour drive from the premier inn so they can make it there and back, collect their belongings and then drive back to the airport just in time for their flight back to London.

With the morning sunlight streaming into the room, the curtains doing absolutely nothing to block it out. Jasmine makes herself get up, even more tired than she was before she went to sleep last night. She practically fell asleep the second she got in the room.

Just wanders through to the bathroom, having a cold, quick shower, not bothering to wash her hair since she did it yesterday. The shower wakes her up somewhat, so she gets changed. Pulling on a black shirt with a pair of black leggings and a black zip-up hoodie. It's a low profile outfit while also easy to move around in.

"Is your plan fool proof? We cannot risk loosing the scarab" Osiris asks as Jasmine walks down the hallway to the elevator.

"Unless they have some kind of weapon we didn't know about, yeah it should be fine" Jasmine replies, "you've been pretty quiet the past few days. You alright?"

"Just worried about what may happen if Harrow succeeds" he answers.

"Well, he's not going to. I think you forget you have me as an avatar" Jasmine jokes.

"That I do" he replies with a slight laugh. "What's it like being back with Marc?"

"Pretty good. Why do you ask?" She asks, stepping into the elevator and clicking ground floor.

"Oh no reason" he replies.

"Go on spit it out" Jasmine says, leaning back against the elevator wall to look at him, knowing exactly what he's going to say.

"What happened with the kiss? Are you two together now? Why didn't you tell me about the kiss more importantly. Thought we were friends"

"No we're not together, I don't know what happened to it. And I didn't tell you because I sensed your presence there anyway. Why were you there?"

"I left as soon as I saw what was going on" he replies.

"I know, you didn't answer my question though. Did something happen?"

"I could feel you'd been attacked. I know I can't do anything about that now but I wanted to make sure you were okay. Turns out, you were a lot more than okay"

"You care so much" she says sarcastically.

"You know I do" he replies. The elevator door opens, Osiris disappears and Marc stands on the other side of the doors.

"Good morning" Jasmine says.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" He asks, stepping in with her.

"I feel more exhausted then I did before. You?"

"Tell me about it" he replies. A small silence takes over the pair of them as a couple more people enter the elevator. Making it more crammed than it should be. Jasmine stood right next to Marc, their hands and arms touching.

It stays silent in the elevator as it goes down. At one point, the thing jolts. Making everyone fall forward slightly, although Jasmine doesn't go as far as everyone else. Marc's hand on her stomach, stopping her from going anywhere. She nodded thanks to him but couldn't deny the fluttering feeling she got from the small gesture and the upturn of his lips.

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