Chapter 17

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TW: violence


"He's not gonna wake up for a little bit Jas" Osiris says, stood just off to the side.

"Varovanie by bolo pekné. Mohol som mu dať vankúš alebo niečo také (a warning would have been nice. Could have got him a pillow or something)" Jasmine mutters, standing up over Steven.

"He's fine" Osiris laughs.

Jasmine rolls her eyes and bends down, taking a hold of his wrists and she begins to pull. He's a lot heavier then he looks, making her groan as she drags him along the sand, section by section.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch or are you actually going to help?" Jasmine asks, standing up straight with her hands on her hips. Dragging Steven has surprisingly taken it out of her.

"I thought you were doing a pretty good job myself" Osiris says, a smirk evident on his face.

"Come on" Jasmine groans, "it's going to take me forever to drag him back to the truck"

"Fine, if you insist" Osiris says. Suddenly, Steven is thrown a good few metres through the air, landing like a rag doll on the sand.

"Osiris!" Jasmine shouts, running over to Steven while Osiris laughs his head off. "It's not funny you could have hurt him" she says, seeing Steven is okay and turning to face the amused god.

"Oh he's fine" he replies. "You should have been more specific"

"You're an arsehole you know that?" Jasmine says with a roll of her eyes.

In the distance, just over the hill Jasmine can see the lights of a vehicle coming towards her. She stares at it for a couple moments, trying to work out who it could be when the first gun shots hit the ground around her.

"It's just one god damn thing after another!" She says, panicking and beginning to drag Steven quicker than before while ducking from the bullets. Luckily, the hill gives her some protection against them. Although after passing the flatter section of the hill, the weight of Steven and Marc's body outweighs her strength and he goes rolling down the hill.

She figures he'll be okay given the place is sand, there's nothing for him to hit and he hasn't exactly got far to go. Although along with that, the truck comes flying over the top of the hill. Jasmines panics again, charging down the hill herself heading straight for their truck.

She manages to reach their truck, hiding behind it and peering through the window as the truck pulls up near Steven. Their head lights on Steven's unconscious body.

"I saw someone running!" She hears someone shout in Arabic.

Jasmine quickly and quietly moving around the side of the truck and getting into the back. Staying clear of the windows as she watches the lights of the truck go around her car. Then once it's done it's lap. They stop in front of Steven's body again.

"He's as good as dead" they say in Arabic again.

Jasmine sneaks out the back of the vehicle, wanting to divert the attention off Steven.

She walks out so she's in front of her truck, the people not facing her.

Raising her hand slightly at her side, a blue and purple glow illuminates from her hand. The swirls of colour glowing in the dark sky and her eyes mimicking those colours as well. The sudden light draws the attention of the people and the man stood on top of the truck bangs on the roof.

"Turn around! She's there!" He shouts to the driver.

As soon as they've turned around and began shooting at Jasmine, she runs, ducking behind the truck again. The glow from her hand vanishing as she sneaks around the other side of the car as the truck crawls around to where they last saw her. She can't help but think how stupid these people must be, it's the most obvious trap she could have thought off.

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