Chapter 1

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TW: violence, gore, death


She's been running for a while now. Running down quiet streets in the dead of night, her lungs burning and legs on fire. But she doesn't stop. Her face bloodied and sweaty. The mask covering the bottom half of her face being the only thing protecting her identity.

She's not sure where she is. She's not even entirely sure of how she got here, but what she does know is she needs to get out of sight. And fast. She stops in the middle of the road, a few cars going past her as she turns, looking for somewhere to go. She can already hear the shouts and footsteps gaining on her every second of the people who want her back, or dead. She doesn't know which yet.

She can feel the stares from the people in passing cars. She doesn't blame them. She'd stare too at the girl covered in blood and tears, wearing a black suit splattered in red stood in the middle of the road.

She makes up her mind. Looking at the large building, a few banners out front telling her it's some kind of museum. It also looks empty, or at least it should be at this time of night. She can't risk anymore casualties tonight, too many people have been hurt already and the people chasing her will kill anyone around them. So she begins to run again, her body protesting at the movement but her mind forcing her to keep going, to keep trying.

There's a lot of steps leading up to the museum, which she realises was probably a mistake but it's too late now. She can see the dark bodies running under the street lamps, a few fingers being pointed her way as she begins to run up the steps.

She's about half-way up when the gunfire starts. They're almost at the bottom of the steps. She begins trying to doge the bullets, still rushing up the steps. Running across the flat surface to the next set. There's more shouting behind her through the gunshots, then just as she reaches the top, a burning pain is sent shooting through her, beginning in her thigh.

The pain causes her to trip over the step, smashing her chin on the concrete and a metallic taste filling her mouth. A small scream leaves her mouth without warning, her hands instantly gripping her thigh where a dark patch of blood is beginning to come through.

There's more shouting, bringing her back to her senses. She's sure if it wasn't for the amount of adrenaline coursing through her right now, she would struggle to move. Regardless, she pushes herself up and starts to run again, limping badly on her leg.

She sees the door closed at the front of the building, a small moment of panic goes through her until she remembers. A blast of blue magic comes from her hands, flinging the door open and she runs through. Her breaths becoming harder by the minute, she knows she can't go on forever. Throwing her arm to the side, she closes the door and bolts it shut, running deeper into the museum. The place is so quiet.

She runs into what appears to be the main area, statues scattered around and what looks to be like a little shop of sweets and toys. There's a light on above where the shop area would be, and dim ones around everywhere else. Not doing much to light the place. There's also a bag where the shop appears to be.

She stops in the middle hearing the bang on the door as the people try to open it. She can feel her heart beating in her chest as she looks around, heading for the big exit which looks like it leads to halls. Her run slowed down by her leg as she begins to almost drag it behind her.

She's about a metre from turning the corner when someone steps out. He looks scared, then when he sees Jasmine, his eyes grow wide on his face. The metal box in his hands falls to the ground, clattering at it does scattering sweets everywhere. Jasmine's eyes widen also, she was sure no one would be in here.

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