Chapter 3

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"I'm really scared Jas" Josie says, hugging the small teddy in her hands as they hear the gun shots and footsteps getting closer. Huddled in with other young girls in a small container.

"I know, I know" Jasmine replies. She feels younger, much younger. Back in the body of her 8 year old self. "I won't let them hurt you okay?"

"Pre Nekonečno?" (for infinity?) Josie asks, looking up at Jasmine with a fear in her eyes. Josie's always been fascinated with infinities. Jasmine can now see, even after 3 years apart, that hasn't changed a thing.

"Pre Nekonečno" Jasmine confirms.

- - -

Jasmine wakes up with a slight jolt, her eyes tired seeing she's back in her apartment. She sighs, running her hand over her forehead when her phone lights up and starts to ring. She looks at the caller ID and sees it's Steven. She rolls her eyes slightly with a laugh. He completely stood her up on their last date, and now he's calling?

Knowing she should probably ignore it, she answers.

"Good of you to call" she says, a edge to her voice.

"What? I'm at the restaurant. For steak. Steak time" he says, a sad but happy tone all mixed into one. Jasmine raises an eyebrow even though he can't see her. She wonders if this is what happened to their last date. She sighs.

"Steven we agreed to meet yesterday" she says, "you stood me up"

"Yesterday? Come on, Friday still comes after thursday doesn't it?"

"That doesn't change the fact today is Saturday" Jasmine answers.

He's silent for a few seconds. "Jasmine I'm so sorry. I-I this happens sometimes and I don't know why. I'll make it up to you I promise, do you want to meet somewhere? I can come to you if you want? Or not... I completely understand if you don't want to see me" Jasmine can literally hear the panic in his voice matched with the now sad tone.

She knows she shouldn't, that she should just tell him to leave her alone. But the image of his face lighting up like a puppy when he saw her, his drenched arm from the rain comes into her mind. She wonders if it's because she's never had someone do something like that for her before, but whatever the reason, she agrees to meet him in the central park for their second date.

- - -

"Duck" Steven points out, motioning to the duck waddling under the light of a lamppost as they both sit on the grass by the pond, under the light of another light.

"England has the most boring wildlife, pretty, but boring" Jasmine says, laying down beside Steven, using her hands and a pillow behind her head since the ponytail makes it pretty uncomfortable.

Steven looks down at her from the sudden movement, looking at her like she's the most precious thing in the world. She feels a strange feeling in her stomach but decides to ignore it.

"You been many places?" Steven asks.

"Oh yeah" Jasmine replies nodding, "all over"

"Really?" He says, almost surprised.

"Mhm" She hums. "What about you?"

"No, just stayed in plain old London" he says, with a small chuckle.

A few minutes of silence passes before Steven speaks up again.

"So are you alone here or have you got any family?" Steven asks.

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