Chapter 5

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TW: violence, gore


Having planned the trip to the Alps, everything booked and ready. Jasmine is heading to the shops to grab a couple things for the trip. Just the essentials. Since today was her pay day, she can go. She's also manage to persuade her boss to let her have the weekend off which took some doing, but she got there in the end. She's always been good at persuading people, it was part of her training after all.

She heads down one of the streets, the place relatively quiet given it's almost midnight. She had the late shift tonight but luckily for her, Tesco is open 24/7. The cool air catches at her neck, making her hug her jacket tighter to her body as the first drops of rain begin to fall. That's when the first shot is fired.

The bullet goes flying past her head, she immediately turns around looking for where it came from but seeing no one. Someone drops down from behind her, something hard hitting her on the head. The impact causes her to fall to the ground, turning around immediately as someone crawls on top of her. They attempt to pin her arms to the ground, but before they are able Jasmine knees them in the groin. Their reflexes kick in giving her the opportunity to throw him off and to scramble to her feet.

She manages to dodge a punch from another masked person whose fist flies for her face, but another one comes down straight on her nose before she's able to move. The gush of blood is instant from her nose, having broken it before it's always been more sensitive to the touch.

Jasmine's instincts begin to kick in and her brain goes to what it was trained to do. Fight.

The first guy gets knocked to his knees before he's able to get completely up, the second goes stumbling backwards as Jasmine uses her elbow to hit him in the face. The third seems to have gained a knife from god knows where and is swinging it at Jasmine.

She takes a few steps back, ducking under it before grabbing his arm. The second guy is running back for her, so using the man's arm she hauls herself up. Kicking out with both her legs which causes him to go falling backwards. Jasmine swings herself under his arm, the audible snap is accompanied by a sharp cry of pain as the knife is sent clattering to the floor.

The first guy comes back for her, kicking her straight in the ribs. Without wasting time, she grabs his leg, pulling it out from under him. Jasmine wonders what possessed him to do that as his head hits the ground and his body falls limp.

"Put your hands in the air. Now" the second guy says. With the other two down, he's the only one left. And he's pointing a gun straight at Jasmine's head.

"Why come for me now?" Jasmine says, raising her hands into the air slowly.

"Big guy said to leave you alone for a while" he says, slowly and very carefully approaching Jasmine as she stays still, the gun still trained on her forehead. "Said it might do you some good. Teach you not to run away again, to see how good we treat you"

"I wouldn't exactly call using me as a personal pin cushion and murderer being treat well" Jasmine replies.

"And what did you become when you came out?" He says, edging ever closer. He's two metres away now. Jasmine just stares at him, looking him straight in the eye. Daring him to go on.

"Not yours" Jasmine replies.

He laughs. "No" he says shaking his head. He's less then a metre away now. "But you stayed a murderer"

With the gun all most at her head, Jasmine grabs it. Forcing the gun from his hands and moving out the way of the bullet, it skimming her forehead. She can feel the warm trickle of blood go down her face and the metallic taste fill her mouth.

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