Chapter 25

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They both stand at the door of her apartment looking in. There's a few clothes on the ground, her unmade bed and half-eaten breakfast on the kitchen counter.

She chuckles a little embarrassed. "I was in a rush this morning" she says, walking in.

"Good job I messaged you then" Marc replies.

"Not like it mattered anyway. Didn't get the bloody job" She says, she bends down next to the bed. She reaches under and pulling out her suitcase.

"You'll find one" Marc reassures, "someone will take you on"

"We can put clothes in here" she says, "and like breakable things. Everything else can go in the boxes"

"Yes ma'am" Marc says, unfolding the boxes.

Jasmine works on her wardrobe while Marc is in the kitchen.

She's got the suitcase behind her and she's just chucking all her clothes onto the floor so she can fold them and put them neatly in there. She has more clothes than she originally thought she did.

She picks out the dress she stole with Marc only about 2 months ago now. It feels like forever ago already.

"Hey!" She gets Marc's attention from the other side of the apartment. "Remember this?" She holds it up. Smiling around the side of it.

He chuckles, "How could I forget?"

She laughs a little before chucking that on the floor also.

Once she's emptied out the clothes, she sits herself on the floor. Crossing her legs and sitting in the middle of the clothes when something catches her eye.

She reaches inside and pulls out the small box she had forgotten she put at the bottom of the wardrobe.

Carefully, she removes the lid and frowns at the contents a little. She sees her suit from when she was an assassin at the hospital neatly folded in there. Under it she knows is at least one gun and multiple knifes. But on top sits a small teddy bear. One that's pretty battered. Missing an ear and an eye. It's brown fluff, if you can even call it fluff anymore, is pretty dirty.

She smiles a little, picking it out of the box. It's only a bit bigger than her hand. If she's being honest, she forgot she had this.

"Jesus, what happened to that thing" Marc says, peering over her shoulder.

Jasmine looks up at him, then back at the teddy, laughing a little.

"It was my sisters" she says, "he's been through a lot"

"I can tell" he says, putting his hands on her shoulders and leaning on her. Not quite using all his weight since he'd probably crush her.

She laughs to herself, "I'm too scared to wash him. He might fall apart"

"Keep the poor thing away from the washing machine. I remember bawling my eyes out when my dad hung my teddy on the washing line" Steven says. Jasmine laughs a little.

"I don't even know how it's survived this long honestly. She gave it to me just before she went into the hospital for the first time. It was the last time I saw her so I never got to give it back" she says.

"How old were you?" Marc asks.

"Oh god" Jasmine says, "I must have been about 8. She was 7, I think"

"You really were so young" Steven whispers.

Jasmine nods a little. She then puts it back in the box and closes it. Sealing it with sellotape before she cries.

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