Chapter 10

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Jasmine's sat on the bench in the park, a book in her hand. The suns going down and she's got to go to work in about an hour. As she's reading, something catches her eye. Glancing up, she sees a small group of people who seem to be gathering in the middle of the park. She ignores them, going back to her book when she quickly looks back up.

She recognises the man. A cane in his hand with two crocodile heads on the handle.

"It's Harrow" Osiris says, Jasmine looking over at where he stands, "he must be looking for the scarab"

"Marc put it in his locker, he won't find it" Jasmine replies.

"Maybe not, but he could come after you and Marc. Steven too probably he probably thinks Steven Grant is an alias. You should warn Marc" Osiris says.

Jasmine knows he's right. They can't have Harrow getting the jump on them, it won't end well at all. The last thing they need is for Harrow to capture one of them.

Jasmine brings out her phone, ringing Marc's number but he doesn't answer. The one time she needs him he doesn't answer.

Over the next hour, she rings and rings him. Leaving about 5 minutes between each try but every time it goes to voicemail, and Jasmine isn't exactly sure how voicemail works. She's also getting worried. Marc usually rings back at lest if he missed it. He's never left it this long before. It worries her that maybe Harrows people got to him before she could tell him, but then again he does have the suit. But still... doesn't ease her worry. She wonders if she should try ringing Steven, but then again what would she say?

Almost at work, she rings him one final time. The sky now dark outside, she sighs as the awful ringing noise plays.

Then, by some miracle, he answers the phone.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Oh my god you're alive" Jasmine breaths out.

"Yeah, all right" he replies.

"Where the hell have you been? A whole hour I've been trying to get hold of you" she says.

"Sorry I just found this phone in my flat- wait Jasmine?" They says.

"Marc? What's with he accent?" She says, momentarily confused. Then it clicks. Steven's found Marcs phone. She mentally curses at herself for not realising sooner. Marc told her he hid his phone somewhere Steven wouldn't find it. But clearly, Steven did find it.

"What did you just call me? Jasmine is it you? Why did you call me Marc?" He says. Panic hitting her, Jasmine just ends the call.

"Shit shit shit" she mumbles rubbing her head.

"Put it this way, Steven's at home so they're not going to find him there. Go to work, sort yourself out we can deal with it tomorrow okay? They're not going to figure out where the scarab is that easily" Osiris says. Jasmine nods.

"Yeah yeah" Jasmine whispers, walking into the building.

- - -

It's been a whole day since the phone call, Marc hasn't rung back either so Steven must still be fronting. She's gotten a few texts from Steven just checking that she's doing okay, which she did respond to.

This morning, Jasmine called in sick to work which her boss wasn't particularly happy about, she heads for the museum. She knows Steven's going to be working there and quite frankly, she needs to talk to him. The poor guy must think he's going insane with the phone call and what happened in the Alps. She wants to check that he's doing okay, in person. And quite frankly, she misses his company. He's fun to be around.

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