Chapter 16

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With the pieces secured, they rush back to their room. Stealing one of the trucks parked up in Mogarts. Jasmine's skills to break into car's discreetly coming in handy. Although she has to admit, the people had it coming. They did leave their keys in the ignition after all.

At least that's what Osiris said when he told her to take this car.

They don't spend long in the room, Marc shoving everything into their bags while Jasmine quickly brushes her teeth to get rid of that awful aftertaste of vomit.

When she's done, she helps Marc and then they are gone within ten minutes. Paying for their room and going back on the road with Jasmine driving as they go through the city of Cario.

Convinced they aren't being followed, they begin to relax. Marc removing his jacket and looking at it for a moment.

"I really liked that jacket" he says, a dull tone to his voice as he looks at the hole torn in the back of it.

Jasmine glances at him before looking back at the road. One hand on the steering wheel and the other rested on the car door since her window is open.

"Oh well" he says, throwing the jacket into the back of the car. Then he starts to remove his shirt, revealing the golden chain hung around his neck against his bare skin.

"It's almost like you want us to crash" Jasmine says, glancing between Marc and the road. He smirks a little before reaching into the back of the car and going into one of their bags.

He pulls out a white hoodie, pulling it over his head and adjusting it around his neck.

"What was Arthur on about?" Jasmine asks, it's been playing on her mind since he said it.

"What do you mean?" Marc asks, looking over at her.

"He said you hide the truth from me" she says. "What's the truth?"

"I have no idea honey. He's just trying to mess wit ya. You know? Tryna get in your mind. No, don't let him do that, you know, h-he's got this idea he can see people's true nature or some crap like that. If that were true I don't think he'd have a bunch of homicidal maniacs as his disciples, would he?"

"So it's not true? What he said about you"

"No, no of course not. He's just trying to divide us. Don't let him get in your head" he says.

Jasmine glances at him. She knows Arthur was right about herself, even if she doesn't want to admit it.

"Every time I learn something new about you, I think that's it. That there can't be anything else between us, no more secrets, nothing more hidden and then something else comes out and it's like I've not known you at all" Jasmine says.

"Yeah, you haven't" he replies. Jasmine feels angry to begin with, but it soon diminishes into disappointment, "you don't"

Marc looks over at the mirror, Steven looking back at him with sadness for Jasmine.

She stops any tears from coming out, deciding it's not worth it and they travel in silence for a little while, Jasmine following the road signs as they go to exit the city.

"You know" she says, speaking up with a memory popping into her head. "I remember things like this. In the back of a car with my sister. We'd always read the road signs, choosing the funniest place names and then we would make up this story. We would start by describing what it was like there, who lived there and all the animals. Our parent's would laugh at our game, telling us we were crazy and every so often adding their own pieces to our story"

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