Chapter 33

341 21 13

TW: violence, gore, death, potentially suicide? (not sure bout that one. Added it just in case)


Jasmine makes it to the door, surprised to find no guards whatsoever on her way. It's like the place has become a ghost town. As she reaches for the handle of the door to the headquarters, the alarm suddenly goes off. With the alarm gone, Jasmine can hear faints shouts and the occasional scream from deep within the building. She withdraws her hand.

She glances around herself again, still nobody.

So she kicks down the door.

The door comes clean off it"s hinges. Sliding into the room, stopping near the desk in the middle of the room.

Sat behind that desk, is Reece. He looks up, no emotion on his face. Just the faint raise of an eyebrow.

"Ah Jasmine" he says, leaning back in his chair. "Take a seat. I was wondering when you would show up"

Jasmine walks into the room. Her hand still clutched on the gun, a limp as she walks.

She aims the gun at Reece's head as she walks to the front of the desk. He sighs. Closing his drawer and clasping his hands in front of him.

"Is that really necessary? We both know you're not going to kill me with it" he states with confidence.

In fact, that's exactly what Jasmine had planned to on her way here. But when Steven asked her what she was going to do with Reece. She realised something. She had connived herself that by killing Reece, it would be for the greater good. She couldn't let him live in case he did this again. But after Steven asked her, she realised she sounds exactly like Ammit.

Remembering how Marc spared Harrow's life, no matter how much wrong he had committed. After that, she hadn't had the heart to tell him what she actually planned. So she told him she was going to stop him and let the authorities handle him. Which is exactly what she plans to do.

She lowers the gun, but it doesn't leave her hand.

"Honestly, I have to say I'm impressed. You came here, got in to start with, outsmarted our guards and shut off all the power. Not to mention you found the remedy. Not that it does anything of course. I am curious though. How did you figure out the password?" He asks.

"I have my ways" she replies, "of course it helps when you know a date that's important to someone. Like the death of a son. Tell me, how was that day for you Reece? Did you enjoy telling your son's mother that it was your fault your son died?" Jasmine knows the way she says it affects him. The slight twitch of his mouth tells her so. She also knows it's wrong. But after years of enduring the torture he concocted, it's almost satisfying to watch him suffer.

"I suppose you'll find out won't you? How would you like to tell your parents you killed their precious little Josie, Jasmine?" He taunts back. Jasmine keeps her face emotionless. "I could bring them in here if you want? I think they'd love to speak to you"

Jasmine feels a slight weight lifted off her chest. She had tried to remove her parents from her mind to focus on this mission. Telling herself she'd find them after. But he's just confirmed to her they're alive, and probably in this building from the sounds of it. Clearly he's dropped his ploy from earlier claiming they were dead.

"You see Reece" Jasmine says, standing up. She twists the gun in her hand, her finger mere millimetres from the trigger. She can see how on edge it makes Reece. "I spent years hung up over Josie's death. Blaming myself for killing her, but what I failed to realise is I shouldn't have been beating myself up over it. Josie's death was your fault. I didn't have a choice when I killed her. She sacrificed herself, knowing I would kill her. Now I will avenge her by stopping you. Her blood does not rest on my hands. It rests on yours"

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