Chapter 26

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Jasmine lies awake in the bed. Steven and Marc are fast sleep beside her with their arm thrown across her stomach and soft snores coming from their parted mouth which is right beside her arm. She plays with his hair between her fingers while staring at the ceiling. Something just doesn't feel right. She can't stop thinking about everything tonight for some reason. She hasn't gotten an ounce of sleep. It's almost like her mind won't shut off. Like something is forcing it to stay awake.

After staring at the ceiling for feels like forever, she turns her head to look at Steven and Marc. Both of them oblivious to the world right now. They look younger in sleep. Less worn by the struggle of time. She moves slightly, her fingers tracing his face gently. Not enough to wake him.

He has the kind of face you could get lost in forever. The kind you don't want to look away from but are too nervous to look at all at the same time. And it's all hers.

She often wonders how she got so lucky.

Feeling a slight weight to her head, she sighs realising she's probably getting a headache from all the thinking matched with fatigue. So she decides to grab a drink to see if it helps at all. People always say water helps headaches.

Carefully, she lifts the arm from her stomach, placing it on Marc and Steven's stomach instead. They stir a little but they don't wake up completely.

Glad she didn't wake them, she slides from under the covers. Feeling the cold air hit her skin given she's only in underwear. A shiver runs down her spine so she grabs one of Marc's hoodies that's been thrown on the floor beside the bed and she pulls it over her body. It stops at the middle of her thigh.

She wanders quietly through to the kitchen, avoiding the sand and squeaky floorboards as she makes her way there. Her eyes glancing around at every dark thing that resembles a human somewhat. She's never been a fan of the dark. Especially not now with the weird feeling that's hung over her. She silently regrets leaving Steven and Marc's side. So she decides to make it quick.

Taking a glass from the cupboard, she crosses to the sink to fill it with water.

Her hand stops, hovering over the tap as she feels something weird happen in her mind. It's like a hot feeling. Although the hot feeling quickly turns into a sharp pain. Her hand holding the glass begins to tighten it's grip as the pain intensifies.

It's not like a pain she's felt before, it's an odd pain. It almost feels fake and something about it scares her. Really scares her.

The glass shatters under her hand and her hands go to the counter top, gripping that instead although she can feel the warmth of blood on her palm.

She screws her eyes shut, almost trying to block it out. It seems to rise from the back of her head and spread all around her skull.

She fails to hear Steven and Marc calling her as they rush into the kitchen, so when their hands grab her waist she freaks out.

Squatting at him - not realising it's Steven and Marc - and quickly moving backwards.

"Jasmine, Jasmine it's me! It's Marc! Calm down!" Marc says, grabbing her waist to stop her from falling as she slips.

Her eyes open to look at him but it still doesn't stop the pain in her head.

"What's wrong?" He says.

"Oh my god your hand!" Steven says.

She's doesn't reply to them, instead she just slides down to the floor. Them following her and trying to find out what's wrong. But when she's on the floor she just covers her ears with her hands and closes her eyes tightly. Rocking herself back and forth saying "make it stop" over and over as she feels like her mind is being attacked by something dark.

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