Chapter 6

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Getting off work, Jasmine decides to visit Steven at work to see if he wants to grab a drink after. The past week since they last saw each other she's been pretty busy so she hasn't had chance to speak to him, now seems like a good opportunity. She knows she gets of work around now too. In the early hours of tomorrow morning, both her and Marc are going to the Alps to get the scarab, she could use some of Steven's company.

Luckily for her, the graze the bullet gave her wasn't bad at all. It just bled a lot, but now it's almost completely healed, only a pink mark left in it's place. Although it's not noticeable unless you stare.

She jogs up the steps of the museum, passing the people leaving. Images of the last time she was here enter her mind, but she quickly shakes them away.

Reaching the top of the steps, she walks inside. She can see a security guard sat at a desk type thing, not really paying attention. He seems to be watching something on his phone. He's got short brown hair and a bit of a beard. He looks quite nice.

Jasmine walks over to him. "Excuse me?" She says. The man glances up, sees there's someone there and switches off his phone. Sitting up and smiling at Jasmine.

"What can I do for you beautiful?" He asks, a strong British accent.

"Do you know where I can find Steven?" She asks.

"You mean Scotty? Yeah he's in the gift shop mate" he replies, "just through there"

Raising an eyebrow at the name, Jasmine nods and heads through the second set of doors. Sure enough, Steven is stood behind a counter. Sorting some of the stock out with his back to the counter. He hears a grey jacket and underneath a brightly coloured button up shirt with patterns on it and some black trousers. He certainly has a unique style, but she likes it.

Looking around, she can see everyone beginning to leave so she guesses the place is closing. It doesn't surprise her with the sky outside dark and the cleaners starting to mop the floors.

She walks up to the counter, and when Steven doesn't notice her she speaks up.

"Excuse me sir?" Jasmine says, changing her accent.

"I'll be with you in two seconds" Steven says, dragging out the last word as he almost knocks off a packet of some kind of toy. "What can I do for you?" He asks turning around. When he notices it's Jasmine stood there, his face lights up. Just as it did those times before, making her smile again. Even though she's not dressed up and still in her work clothes, he's happy to see her. She also remembers the feeling of his lips on hers at the beginning on the week. Even if they were Marc's, it's still the same body.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He says, "wasn't expecting you"

"I was on my way home from work. Thought I'd pop in and say hi" she says with a smile.

"Well it's lovely to see you" he says, still smiling.

"Quite the little work space you've got" she says.

He chuckles nervously, "yeah, yeah"

"I was wondering if you wanna go out for a coffee or go to the streak house again or something when you get off your shift?" She asks.

"Yeah that would be brill yeah" he answers, "I get off... now actually"

"Brilliant" Jasmine says giving him a smile.

"Stevie, you absolute rascal. I didn't know you'd taken a crack" a woman says, walking up to them.

She's got blonde hair that comes to her shoulders, brown eyes. She wears a blue blazer and a floral top, her name tag reads 'Donna" and from her stance Jasmine assumes she's the manager.

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