Chapter 27

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Staring down into the box, Jasmine feels her chest tighten around her heart. Like there's a darkness inside her, an anger, trying it's hardest to escape. Infecting everything inside of her in a desperate attempt to escape. Only she doesn't let it.

Inside the box, sits a black book. A pattern on the front, quite a pretty pattern, one that makes you think of evil just looking at it. Her symbol. Little pieces start to fall together in her mind. Only the more they seem to fall together, the more confusing they seem to get.

She reaches inside, carefully lifting up the book like at any moment the words inside could enslave her. She turns to slightly, the pages browning on the edges from the struggle of time. She's surprised to find no dust on the thing, although she has no idea where it's been. Regardless, it couldn't have been used for years. For almost a decade now.

She stares at it for a good moment. It's surprising how many memories a book can bring. Usually she would read a book to create new worlds in her mind, a place to escape to. It's always been something that's brought her comfort. But not this book.

This book brings a whole world of memories with it, bad memories and ones that are very real. Every mission. Everyone experiment. Every code word. Everything relating to her time in the Hospital is in this book. Every date. Everything.

She flicks open to the first page.

Name - Jasmine Harvard
Subject No. 08
Age - 5- ?
Role - spy, assassin, experimental subject

She stares down at her information for a couple moments before turning onto the first page. She quickly discovers this book is very real. As with each new page comes a new, painful memory. She skips most of the book. Not wanting to read over those nightmares in detail. The final entry is what she's interested in.

13th January 1998
Mission Objective - success
Deaths - 8
Witnesses - 1 (unknown)
Subject escaped. Remedy used. Subject suspected to be alive but badly injured. In pursuit.

"In pursuit" she whispers to herself. They're looking for her. She drops the book on the table, not even bothering to look at the code words, worried they may spark something. Instead she just turns around, her hand on her forehead. Oh how stupid she was to believe they would ever give up searching for her.

That's when something else in the box catches her eye. A letter.

She quickly pulls it out. Her heart dropping slightly at the sight of the writing. She knows exactly who wrote this.

Keep this safe, don't let them get it Jas. Be smart.

"God damn it!" She shouts to no one in particular, the note being thrown back onto the counter behind. She can recognise that writing anywhere, it's from her mum.

If her mum sent this book to her, that instantly makes her a target for the Hospital. Jasmine can only imagine how much they prize this little book of theirs. But that means her mum, and most likely her father are in serious danger. Jasmine isn't sure what's happened between her kidnapping and now, but it doesn't take a lot of knowledge to know they won't stand a chance against the Hospital. Especially alone.

She looks back at the counter, making the decision she has to go. She has to go to them.

She believed that after she escaped, her parents would be safe if they stayed away from her. One family member already got killed because of this, she's not going to let that happen to the last of her family. Even if it's the last thing she does. She can't. She can't abandon them again.

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