Nishikawa Ryoko - Secret Spy

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I am in the cafe yet again. In the middle of the day this time, not at night. The reason being is that the cafe seems to be not that crowded anymore. Taking out my phone, I idly scroll through the internet learning new things as I wait in line to order my beverage.

"Hmm... yes, you seem like the one..." I heard someone mumble. Turning around, I come face to face with an unknown girl.

"Excuse me, are you Kiyotaka Ayanokouji?" She doesn't seem fazed at all.


"I see... as I thought." She rubs her chin while looking me up and down.

"Uh, may I ask who you are...?"

"Nishikawa Ryoko, Class A. I was sent as a spy by our class leader to investigate a person named Kiyotaka Ayanokouji." Wait, she's just going to tell me that? I thought I would have to use my detective skills to make her confess, this was not in my calculations.

"...Doesn't that mean you just compromised your position as a spy?"

"Yes." A short silence ensues. I can't tell if this girl is trying to play mind games with me or if she's just an airhead.

"...You're not a very good spy are you?"

"Finally someone points it out!" She exclaims while pumping her fist in the air. Cute.

"I told them I wasn't a good spy, and yet they still made me take the job! Can you believe that!" She shakes her head in dissapointment. I'm honestly not sure how to react to this situation. This means that there is someone in Class A who is wary of me. I haven't done anything conspicuous, there should be no reason to target me. Unless...they knew about that place. This is a bit worrying.

"Anyway, as an apology for bothering you, just take a seat. I'll pay for your drink, what do you want?" Is she being serious? Well, I'm not one to turn down a free drink.

"Just black coffee is fine." I say before walking over to a table. A few minutes later, Nishikawa comes and slams a drink in front of me.

"...This isn't what I ordered." The drink doesn't even look remotely like black coffee. In fact, it doesn't look like any of the drinks on the cafe's menu. Its more like a mixture of multiple drinks.

"Yup." She doesn't look even the slightest bit surprised or ashamed at her mistake.

"You didn't spike it did you?"

"Hey! I wouldn't stoop that low you know! If I wanted to drug you, don't you think I would have made it a little less obvious?" She has a point, but her behaviour so far has been unpredictable.

"Then, what's in this drink?"

"Love!" Hey, this is too early. You're not supposed to fall in love until at least a few more chapters.

"That just makes no sense. What does love even taste like?"

"Umm...probably...vanilla?" She gives me a wink.

"...So are you going to tell me what this drink is?" She pouts at me this time.

"Awww, where's the fun in that?"

"The fun is knowing that I won't be poisoned."

"Jeez, I tell you its made of love and the first thing your mind goes to is poison? Oh wait, you're right! I didn't take into account any allergies you have. Are you good with cinnamon?" She opens her phone and prepares to take notes.

"I don't have any allergies..."

"Great! It should be okay for you to drink!" I glance at the drink in my hands. I mean, it is free...Here goes nothing I suppose...

I take a sip of the drink. To my surprise, its not terrible. Its actually pretty good. Nishikawa just stares at me excitedly as I drink.

"...It's delicious. But... I still don't know what it is."

"Haha! What you just tasted was a concoction of my own! I like to mix some drinks like a bartender, and sometimes it turns out great like this one! Nobody believes me though, and I can't get any of my friends to try it..." she crosses her arms and looks away in irritation. She quickly turns back to me with a smile though.

"Now that you've tried it... I can tell them all about it!"

"So am I just a guinea pig to test out your concoctions and prove your friends wrong?"

"Yes, exactly!" She says with a bright smile. Hey, that's not right. You're supposed to feel bad and start reassuring me that I'm more than just a test subject.

"Do you still want black coffee though? If you don't want to finish it I'll buy you the real thing this time." Well, Nishikawa seemed really happy when I said I liked it, and it is pretty tasty. I guess it wouldn't do any harm to finish this drink.

"It's fine. I'll just have this instead." Her eyes light up.

"Woah, really!? Awesome!...Gah!" Nishikawa stops herself before she pumps the air again.

"I mean... Cool, cool. I'm glad you liked it." She's obviously trying to hide her excitement right now...

"Oh, looks like my friends are calling. Sorry, but I've got to go. I come here almost every day at around this time, so stop by again okay? I'll buy you another drink." She stands up and grabs her bag.

"I guess I don't mind. As long as the drinks aren't poisoned at least."

"I make no promises!" She says with a wink, before giving me a wave and walking away. I don't know if I should be concerned or not.

Ah it doesn't matter, I'm getting free drinks.

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