Event - Sweet Stereotypes

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"Heads up!" I hear Ryoko exclaim. Looking over, I see her throw a dodgeball at an...alarming speed towards an unsuspecting human being.

"...Guh!?" The unfortunate person seems to be Miki, who luckily stopped the ball from hitting her in the face. It was very close though, a second later and she would have been knocked out.

"That isn't dodgeball! That's called assault, woman!" Miki complains while Ryoko just laughs.

"The whole point of dodgeball is to hit the other person with a ball, other woman!"

"Ooh! Can Nishi be a woman too? Please?"

"The other person needs to consent first before you throw it at them! You already know what happened last time!"

"Last time?" I mumbled as I approach the group.

"Hey, man! Sup?" Ryoko greeted.

"Oh." Well, it seems Miki is back to her kuudere self.


"Yes, hello. I just happened to be passing by when I saw you guys playing dodgeball. You've got one hell of an arm, Ryoko." I compliment.

"Hehe, of course! Look at these guns!" She playfully flexes her arms.

"If only that one hell of an arm came along with a brain." Miki sighs.


"I also something about a "Last time". Does Ryoko throw dodgeballs at people often?"

"More than you would think. Do you remember the time when the students had to clean because the janitor was injured?" Ah, the troublesome cleaning duty I was forced to do. Well, it allowed me to meet Saki so I can't complain too much.

"...Yes? What does that have to do with what I was saying before?" Miki glances at Ryoko, who just sheepishly rubs her neck. "...Did you injure the janitor with a dodgeball, Ryoko?" I ask.

"Not on purpose! And come on, a grown man should be able to shrug off a dodgeball!"

"...Well she has a point there." I say. Although, I assume getting hit by a dodgeball wouldn't feel nice.

"She would. However, she failed to mention that the dodgeball was travelling at what seemed to be a major league player's fastball."

"Nishi can confirm! It was very fast, and a clean headshot! There was life-juice everywhere!" Nishi waves her arms around in excitement.

"I thought you were on my side, Nishi! I have been betrayed! The NishiNishi code has been broken!" Ryoko dramatically yells.

"I see..." These girls are terrifying.

"Also, the janitor was probably over eighty years old. That's probably why he collapsed so easily." Miki adds. Well, that makes things significantly worse...

"Anyway, we were just on our way to play some games! We're all excited for it!" Ryoko explains. I glance at Miki who still has her usual expressionless face.


"You don't look excited."

"I am, I just don't show it. Is it that surprising?"

"Well kind of. You seemed like the type to not care about anything."

"Surprise. I have interests."

"You should come with us, friend!"

"Yes! Definitely!"

"Uh...I'm not very good at games..." I say.

"There is no problem! Nishi has not played any games other than smash, but she will still be joining!" Nishi exclaims. Being subjected to two pairs of puppy eyes belonging to two people with Nishi in their name, I really had no choice but to accept. I seem to be incredibly weak to them for reasons beyond my comprehension.

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