Info and Fun Facts

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Hello! Hope you're still enjoying the story so far. College has been a pain, so it may take me a while to update the story. But to keep you occupied, here are some fun facts about this story that you may or may not be curious about!

- Before the rewrite, there were 2 choices that the readers made. First is to have this be harem, and the second was to open the door to Nishikawa's room in "Un/Happiest Girl in the World". That may or may not play a significant part in the near future, so remember that.

- Nene Mori being bullied by Karuizawa's group is canon. It was stated that Karuizawa, Sato, Matsushita, Shinohara, etc have a seperate group chat to make fun of Nene. So that's why in this story I made her an outcast.

Nene deserves better, man. Justice for Nene.

- Haruka Hasabe dislikes Ruri Ichihashi in canon. However, no reason was ever stated (at least not to my knowledge). So I made my own reasoning in "Warm Welcome" which hopefully makes sense. In case you forgot, it has to do with Ichihashi being Ichihashi and Hasabe having two very big and prominent features.

- Kayano Onodera and Maya Sato dislike each other in canon. Again, no reason stated to my knowledge. Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to make the two fight, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

- Shiho Manabe being a delinquent isn't canon, I think. I believe in canon Manabe is more of a typical gyaru. However, I didn't really want to make what is essentially a second Karuizawa, so I decided to base her off a delinquent instead. Hopefully a good choice.

Manabe cute.

- In this story, Nanami Yabu is technically the "leader" of Manabe's group. In the novels, after Manabe was expelled Nanami took the lead and actually did better than Manabe. So while Manabe looks like the figurehead, Nanami is actually the one with the most authority being the glue that binds them all together.

- Nishi Haruka and Haruka Hasabe both having nicknames for Kiyotaka (Ayako and Kiyopon) were coincidences. I honestly didn't even realize, but hey, turned out well.

Well, that's it. If you have any questions, you can leave them here and I might answer them if I feel like it.

...Huh? Sad? Depressing?

You must be talking about the wrong fanfic. This is a fun fanfic about cute girls doing cute things. Nothing bad ever happens.

There is nothing going on. There is no secret.

You're just thinking too much.

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