Event - The Sharpest Eyes

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"Finally! The time has come! For what seemed like millenia, I have awaited this moment! Through all of the pain I have endured...all of the harsh rays of the sun! I have finally returned to my element!"

"Saki...we were out on the deck for only an hour. There's no need to be so dramatic."

"Maybe she's just...really excited to play?"

I notice the Class C girls playing some sort of game in one of the lounges on the ship. It seems to be some sort of fighting game, Saki is playing as a...character wielding a gigantic key? Meanwhile Yabu is using a character with a whip. No, wait...that's a sword. Oh, the character just pulled out a spear...and a bow as well? Where are they even keeping all those weapons?

The two girls are absorbed in their game, while Morofuji spectates and Manabe plays on her phone.

"Grr! That spear range is OP!" Saki exclaims as her character is sent off the screen.

"What are you guys up to?" I ask as I approach.

"Oh, Sir! We are using this opportunity to enjoy our youth in the best way possible! FIGHTING TO THE DEATH IN SMASH!" Ah, I see. So this was the game Saki and Nishi were talking about.

"I see...why are only two of you playing?"

"Um...We could only afford two controllers...so we're just going to take turns." Morofuji explains.

"I would like to add that I am being forced to join in." Manabe mumbles.

"Aww, come on! You know you enjoy doing these things as well!" Yabu teases.

"I enjoy beating your ass at the game, not the game itself!" Yabu just giggles at Manabe's reply.

My eyes wander over to the game console. It looks to be the 'switch' that I've heard the professor talk about. If I remember correctly, he said that there were two...happycons was it? That people could detach from the console to use as a controller. You can even use one sideways, so it is possible to play with a singular happycon.

"...Can't you detach the things on the sides and use them as controllers? You would be able to have four controllers to use if you do that."

"Playing with sideways joycons, Sir? I would rather spend an eternity in purgatory." Ah, so it was called joycons. Well... joycons, happycons, they both are synonymous with each other no? It was close enough.

"I feel like you are exaggerating it a bit. It can't be that bad."

"Have you ever played with a sideways joycon, Sir?"


"Then you do not understand the pain. Even me, with my tiny hands, cannot hold a sideways joycon without a great deal of discomfort. It makes me want to tear my arms right off, and it will only get worse as I am growing at an alarming rate!" Saki lets out a groan as her character gets sent away again.

"I'm having a hard time believing that. You stay indoors like 90% of the time and that can't be healthy, so I think growing would be the least of your worries." Manabe pipes up.

"Day by day, I stray further and further from the loli tag. Who will ever love me if I become an average-sized girl?" She sighs as she hands over the controller to Morofuji.

"I'm pretty sure you're still considered average, maybe slightly shorter than average. Still, I think you'd be cute either way." I comment as she moves to sit beside me.

"Thank you, Sir. I would return the compliment if you had one less dimension." She smiles at me.

"You're blushing a lot for someone who isn't interested in 3D characters." I point out.

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