Nene Mori - Memento Mori

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As everyone surrounds Horikita congratulating her about our victory, I note that a few people are missing. Well, there's an easy way to find out why they aren't celebrating.

I walk over to the sleeping areas, and knock on the door.

"...W-who is it?" I hear a weak voice call out from inside the room.

"It's just me. You weren't with everyone else, so I came to check on you."

"Oh, Ayanokouji?...Sorry, I'm just resting."

"I see. Can I come in?"

"E-eh?...I guess it's fine..." I open the door and step inside. Seems like she's alone in the room, her roommates either celebrating or doing something else. Mori lies on the bed, with a blanket pulled up to her neck.

"You don't look well." I comment.

"I think I might be dying..." She mumbles.

"You're not dying."

"I don't know, Ayanokouji...I think this might be it for me...Please don't forget me when I'm gone..."

"Oh stop, you're going to be fine. You know, you probably shouldn't be joking about that after I brought up the possibility of you having a life threatening disease the last time we talked."

"Hehe, sorry...I was telling the truth when I said I don't have any deadly disease, but my immune system is rather weak compared to others. I get sick really easily, just standing for a few minutes out in the rain is enough to give me a cold." She gives me a weak smile.

"If that's the case, why did you choose to give me your towel during the exam?"

"You were going out in the rain to find Horikita, while I was just going to wait under the tent. You needed it way more than I did. Besides, I'm used to getting colds, it will go away in a day or so. Speaking of which, are you not worried about catching my cold by being close to me?"

"I don't get sick often, so I think my immune system is pretty strong. Where are your friends by the way? I didn't see them celebrating with everyone else."

"Mm...Ruri and Kayano offered to take care of me, but I asked them to leave. Kayano was really excited about getting back on the ship so she could swim, so I didn't want her to be bedridden...and I'm afraid of what Ruri might do to me when I'm sick and defenseless like this." Considering Ichihashi's personality...I would be concerned as well if she were to take care of me. I don't want to be molested while I try to sleep.

"If you don't mind, I could take care of you instead."

"...Huh? W-why?"

"I'm not a fan of celebrations, and I don't have anything else to do either. I am also partially at fault for getting you sick, so let me do this to not feel guilty. That, and also the fact that I don't enjoy seeing you look like you're on the brink of death. It's depressing."

"Well it's not like I chose to feel this way..."

"So, how about you tell me what I can do to makes things more comfortable. Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Hungry, no...Maybe a little thirsty, though. I would appreciate a glass of water."

"Of course, I'll be right back." I walk over to the small kitchen area to see if there's anything I can grab. Thankfully, there was an unopened bottle of water that I took. In addition, I grabbed a sleeve of crackers just in case Mori wants to put anything in her stomach.

"Ahh...I don't think I can ever get used to feeling so useless." Mori complains as she rolls over to one side.

"Less complaining, more hydrating. Drink this." I open the bottle before handing it to her, and she slowly but surely takes a few sips from it.

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