Event - Duel at the Pool

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"Hey... let me ask you one question."

"...What is it?" The other girl says with a smirk.

Two girls face each other, one wielding an assault rifle, and the other wielding a pistol in each hand. They stared at eqch other in complete silence. Even the slightest mistake could get them shot.

"The way you shoot and move like an expert marksman... you must have trained for years. Tell me... what made you this way? What happened to the old Nanami Yabu?"

"Hehe... I haven't heard someone call me that in years. I'm known by many names, you see. But no matter, it doesn't matter what you call me. Your fate has already been sealed the second you chose to face me."

"You're being quite confident there..."

"My dear Saki Yamashita... The only reason you're still alive, is just because I'm granting you the final moments deserved by a calf about to be slaughtered."

A few more seconds pass... before suddenly the two girls run right at each other.

Saki quickly levels her dual pistols, sending a volley of shots right at Nanami. Unfortunately, a quick side step by Nanami was enough to make all of them miss. Raising her rifle, she fires a precise shot right at Saki's heart. Only being saved by her quick reflexes, Saki takes cover behind a potted plant in the nick of time.

"I know you were the one who stole the resurrection stone! I won't let you get away!" Saki yells.

"...You're correct, I am indeed the one. As a reward for your clever deduction, how about I tell you two important bits of information?" Saki's eyes widened. Important information...?

"First, you were too excited trying to shoot me. Your dual pistols should be almost out of ammo by this point." Nanami explains, cocking her rifle once more. Saki curses to herself, as she realizes what Nanami said was correct. Her pistols only have a few shots left in the chamber.

"Second... I will tell you one of my titles." A bad feeling settled in Saki's heart.

"They call me... the Wild Bomber Witch." Saki looked up just in time to see three grenades going in her direction. She had to jump out of her hiding spot to avoid them, however that left her wide open.

"I got you now!" Nanami yells as she threw her last grenade.

"I won't let you!" Thinking quickly, Saki reared her hand back, and threw one of her pistols right at the grenade. The two weapons made contact in midair, causing the grenade to explode prematurely.

"Tch. You're not bad..." Nanami readies her rifle once more.

"This ends now!" Saki yet again fires her pistol at the other girl.

"Come and get me!" The two girls rushed at each other... and it was over.

"...Gkh..." Saki clutched her stomach in pain. She had been hit.

"I told you... You had no chance from the very beginning." Nanami confidently holsters her rifle.

"This... won't be the end..."

"Have you looked at a mirror? Those wounds are fatal. You'll be dead within the hour."

"Not if... I have this!" Saki pulls out her special item.

"...!... The resurrection stone!?" That didn't make sense, the resurrection stone was in Nanami's possession. Nanami checks her pocket, where the resurrection stone was supposed to be... but found it completely empty.

"Hehe... you were so distracted trying to kill me that you didn't notice me taking it... With this, I'm not dead yet!" Saki rises, her wound quickly closing due to the power of the stone.

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