Rika Morofuji - Any Time

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Rika Morofuji - Hi, Ayanokouji.

Tired from another day at school, I stared at the message on my phone. It's been a while since Morofuji texted me, however it seems that she has found enough courage. I guess I'm obliged to answer so she doesn't feel like her efforts have gone to waste.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - Good to finally hear from you again. What's the occasion?

Rika Morofuji - Apparently Shiho saw you yesterday.

Huh, Manabe? Well, I hope she didn't catch me doing anything bad. Not that I did anything bad.

Rika Morofuji - She said you were carrying a...plushie? Of a lion.

Ah, so it was at that time. I was probably rushing back to the dorms to talk to Inogashira. Unfortunately she had already locked herself in her room, and wouldn't let me in. Her mental state must be a mess, I really need to speak with her as quickly as possible. However for now, the only thing I can do is just wait outside of her room until she'll let me in.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - Yes, the plushie was a gift from a friend.

Rika Morofuji - Do you like plushies, Ayanokouji?

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - Not particularly. But this one was handmade for me specifically, so I definitely like it. Do you think that's odd?

Rika Morofuji - I just thought boys wouldn't like girly things like that.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - This one is special. He is now comforably sitting on top of the desk next to my bed.

That's the truth. The lion was sitting there propped up gainst a wall. I told Inogashira I would take extra care of the stuffed animal, and I will. It also spices up my room a bit, giving it a bit more of a personality.

Rika Morofuji - That's so cute. I would love to see the plushie sometime.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - I take it you're a fan of them?

Rika Morofuji - Of course! There is no girl who dislikes plushies!

Well... that's a bit ironic considering what happened before.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - I can send a picture of him if you want.

Rika Morofuji - If you don't mind.

I snap a quick picture of the lion, before sending it to Morofuji.

Rika Morofuji - Ah! That is adorable! I want to hug him.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - You can, as long as you don't rip him that is. I made a promise to take extra care of him.

Rika Morofuji - Can your friend make me one? Or better yet three, so that I can give them to Nanami and Shiho too!

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - I can ask her if you'd like. Would Manabe really accept a stuffed animal as a present though?

Rika Morofuji - Yup! I told you every girl likes plushies, Shiho's just acting tsun-tsun.

An image of Manabe playing with stuffed animals flashes through my mind. It was cute, yet... kind of disturbing...

A long silence ensues after that. For a moment I was worried I may have said something or done something to offend her, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Eventually she continues with her next text.

Rika Morofuji - Can I try calling you again?

I was a bit surprised by her request. The last time we called, she couldn't even get a word out. However she was actively trying to take a step forward towards her rehabilitation. At the very least, that's commendable.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - I told you. I'll be there.

Another long silence. Then, my phone started buzzing. The last time I answered, she freaked out immediately. I guess I should try and make my voice softer.

"Hello?" I tried. My voice was still as flat as ever, but at the very least I think it was softer. Morofuji let out a sharp gasp, nearly shrieking again. Well, that was a failure, it didn't seem to help at all.

"H-hi..." Morofuji's voice was unbelievably quiet. If I didn't strain my ears, I probably wouldn't be able to pick up on it. Morofuji was a very quiet person, as if she was trying to fade into the background.

Kind of like me, trying to become undetectable, and unnoticeable.

However while I do it willingly, Morofuji's case was more of a coping mechanism.

"I'm glad you called, Morofuji." I continued while lowering my tone even more.

"R-really...?" If I could flinch, I would. Her voice sounded so frightened. I don't think I'm that intimidating, am I?

"Really. It proves that I was right before, and that you're stronger than you think."

"...I don't think I am..." She mutters along with a few quick breaths. She's crying again, isn't she.

"I can promise you that you are. You've already shown me that, now all that's left is for you to show yourself."

"I hope you're right..." She mumbles, but no stuttering this time.

"I know I am. Yabu and Manabe know it too. I hope one day you'll be able to see it the same way they do, and the way I do as well."

"Y-you..." Morofuji made a little frightened squeak, and the line went dead again. A few minutes passed before I received another text.

Rika Morofuji - Sorry, I got nervous...

Rika Morofuji - I think I'm getting better though.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji - If you want to call me next time, don't ask for permission.

I messaged.

Rika Morofuji - I can call you any time...?

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji - Any time.

I closed my phone, fully expecting the conversation to stop. However I was surprised by a sudden call. Taking a look at the caller ID, it was Morofuji.

"Yes?" I picked up.

"Can you..." Her voice was barely being picked up by the receiver.

"Can you...say goodbye? I'll...I promise I won't..." She trailed off. Promise she won't cry? Promise she won't freak out?

"Have a good a day, Morofuji." Even still, she let out a sharp gasp.

"Bye." I finished. She was silent for a minute after that. I was about to hang up when...

"Thank you, Ayanokouji. B-bye..." Morofuji spoke. Her voice was soft, frightened, but determined. The line went silent.

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