Chihiro Shiranami - Things Friends Do

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I let out a sigh as I walked back from my outing with Nishi. I'm still wondering why I just suddenly collapsed. Well on the bright side I didn't hit my head too hard on the ground so there aren't any effects. If I became disoriented and started hallucinating because of the impact, it would really have made my day much worse.




Oh dear god.

I think I may need to go to a hospital.

Because what I see in front of a dolphin wearing a shirt.

This is not a good sign.

"H-hello, Kiyotaka."

"It talks, too?" I mutter, completely bewildered.


I go through my mind to see if its possible for this to be a result of a concussion, but that doesn't seem to be the case as I am not exhibiting any other symptoms. Since that is out... what kind of medical condition do I have that would cause me to see a talking dolphin?

"U-umm...did I surprise you? I can't tell because you still have the same expression as usual."

"Who are you and how do you know what I usually look like?" I ask as I menacingly approach the dolphin.

...That is not a sentence I thought I would be saying today. Or ever.


"I do not know any dolphin. Go back to the ocean from whence you came, demon."

"The...ocean?...Oh!" The dolphin reaches up and removes its head and reveals...


"Um...Sorry about probably felt weird to be talking to a dolphin." She sheepishly smiles at me.

"It definitely was weird. Actually, it's still weird because you're wearing half of a dolphin's body." I point out.


"Speaking of which, what are you doing anyway?"

"Mako and I were just grabbing dinner, and then we decided to go clothes shopping. Hence why I'm here." She explains. That makes sense, except for one tiny detail.

"...and that explains why you're in a dolphin costume, how?"



"...Wait, yeah, why am I wearing a dolphin costume?... Mako!" Chihiro glares at someone behind me, and I turn around to see the girl I saw on the island, Amikura Mako, peeking from around a corner.

"Ahh! I've been spotted!" She yelps before dissapearing behind said corner. So that girl was able to manipulate Chihiro into wearing a dolphin costume without her even knowing the reason why. That's impressive. Chihiro sighs before turning her attention back to me.

"I'm gonna...go change. After that, do you want to hang out?"

"You're just going to leave Amikura behind? I thought the two of you went here together?"

"Serves her right for tricking me into wearing this thing." She gives a playful smirk. I was planning to return to my room and sleep, but I guess I could humor her for a while.

"Sure, I don't mind hanging out."


That's how we ended up on her bed.

...No, not in that way you sick perverts.

We're just going to watch a movie together on the TV. Thankfully there's a large assortment of movies to choose from. We eventually decide on a movie titled "SAW" which looks to be horror.

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