Miki Yamamura - Allergies

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A-Class: Shigeru Takemoto, Kouji Machida, Takuro Morishige

B-Class: Honami Ichinose, Tetsuya Hamaguchi, Ryouta Beppu

C-Class: Mio Ibuki, Shiho Manabe, Nanami Yabu, Saki Yamashita

D-Class: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, Kei Karuizawa, Hideo Sotomura, Teruhiko Yukimura

These were the people assigned to the Rabbit group in the newly announced Zodiac Exam. After the whole ordeal with Morofuji, having those three in the same group with Karuizawa is just a recipe for disaster...Well, really only Manabe. Saki and Yabu aren't really the people who would hold a grudge, although with everything going on recently I can't say for certain they won't do anything drastic.

The four of us sat through the entire explanation. It's certainly an unusual exam with a lot of viable strategies that can be executed. After everything was done, Yukimura asked the three of us to try and form a strategy together. Karuizawa ignored him and left immediately while complaining about us to Hirata on the phone, and the Professor declined due to having prior plans to watch the new Love Live anime, whatever that is. I feel bad, the only thing Yukimura could do at that point was dejectedly walk away.

You have my sympathy, Yukimura.

With nothing much to really do as everyone was probably gathering together in their rooms to discuss strategies, I opted to just head back to my room.


That was the plan at least, until I reached the foyer of the ship. I wasn't really expecting to run into someone, but somehow I did.

Yamamura was sitting nearby, holding a big plushie of a dog. It was quite an adorable sight, although I would never say that out loud.

"Wow, you're pretty cute...and I guess you are too, Yamamura."

...Damn it brain, stop blurting out my thoughts without my permission. I mentally prepare for the verbal insult that is going to come.

"Hehe...That's a good one. You know, you might have a career in stand-up comedy. If you do manage to make it big, do tell me so I can attend your first show." Yamamura gives me a friendly smile.


Okay...what's going on with my favorite Kuudere?

"...Yamamura, don't take this the wrong way, because I mean this in the nicest way possible...but are you high?" Yamamura looks up in contemplation.

"Hmm...no, I don't think so. I suppose you could say I'm high on life right now, haha." She looks back towards me. "Oh, you're giving me that look."

"What look?"

"The one you always give me; curiosity and confusion. I'm allergic to dogs, but when I saw this little fella on the shelf of one of the stores, I just couldn't resist."

"Yamamura...I'm not going to lie, I am very afraid right now."

"Why? If you're worried about my allergies, this isn't a real dog, so-"

"No, it's not that. I didn't even know you were allergic to dogs before this. Actually, I don't think I know anything about you."

"Are you sure about that? Maybe you do, but you've just forgotten. I don't blame you though, there are tons of different people that are more interesting than me. I can imagine how hard it is for you to keep track of everyone's distinct personalities and features."

...Why is she talking to me in such a casual, upbeat tone?

I'm not that surprised at her being an animal lover in disguise, but she's smiling at me. The only other time I saw her genuinely smile was when she was looking at the stars.

"...I'm convinced you're not the Yamamura that I know and love."

"Love? Isn't that a bit early to be throwing around that word, Kiyotaka?...Oh! Sorry, your given name just slipped out. I think I like it better than your family name though, it's shorter and easier to say. So, how about you let me call you Kiyotaka and you can call me Miki from now on?" She giggles. Even that wasn't enough to make her recoil in disgust?

"...Miki...can you hear me? Are you being possessed by some unknown entity? I do not know much about exorcism but I will learn it if necessary. I promise you, we will solve this together." I overheard the Professor talking about a so called "Blue Exorcist" so I might have to consult him about this.

"...I like dogs, Kiyotaka. Even if I'm allergic to them. They're such gentle creatures that deserve all the love in the world. In fact, all animals deserve love. I even tried to go vegan for a while to show my support. It didn't last long though, I just couldn't resist the allure of chicken nuggets. I'm awful, I know..." She continued to ramble showing no signs that she heard what I was saying.

Should I just play along? It might be the perfect opportunity for me to get to know her, because she's usually so guarded.

"...Miki, can I ask you something?"

"Something? You know you can ask me pretty much anything, right?"

"I did not, but I will keep that in mind. Anyway, is there a particular reason why you seem to dislike me?" Her expression goes blank.





"Have you ever owned a dog, Kiyotaka?" She ignores me again, her face returning to a smile. Is she doing this on purpose?

"...No, I have never owned one. I would like to, though." You can never go wrong with a furry companion.

"I like dogs."

"You've said that already."

"My neighbor owns a dog. I would go out and hop the fence to play with the dog even if I got really sick afterwards. That was until..."

"...Until what?"

"...Oh would you look at the time! I need to get back to my room for a strategy meeting. Was there anything else you wanted to ask me before I go?" She stands up and brushes her skirt.

"...I kind of have a lot, but that can wait. You should get to your meeting, Miki...If that even is your real name."

"It is! Miki Yamamura. Class A. My hobbies are reading and dogs."

"Dogs aren't a hobby."

"Well they are now! I've decided it." She playfully sticks her tongue out at me before hugging the doll plushie to her chest. "It was nice talking to you! I'll see you later!" Miki starts to run back towards the sleeping quarters while waving at me over her shoulder. I could do nothing but stare at her retreating form.


Who in the world did I just talk to?

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