Nanami Yabu - A Walk in the Park

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After school ended, I decided to stop by the park on my way back to the dorms. I haven't really visited here before, its a nice change of pace. There has also been some news about a new crepe stand being available here, and if its anything like ice cream, it is something that I absolutely need to taste.

Additionally, the park is a good place to encounter others. Who knows, I've been bumping into a lot of new people recently.

Most of them being girls, not that I'm complaining.

"Oof!" I collide with a girl. She falls to the ground, dropping the books she were holding as well as a crepe. When I said I was bumping into a lot of people, it wasn't supposed to be literal!

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I crouch down and help the girl gather her books and papers.

"No, no, I'm at fault as well. Thanks for helping me gather my things." The girl gives me a smile as I hand over what I gathered. Unfortunately, the crepe was not salvagable.

"I'm sorry about your crepe. Would you like me to buy you another one?" I offer.

"Oh, no! That's not necessary! It's fine, really." The girl shakes her head.

"I insist. I was heading there anyway to get one for myself, what's the harm in getting extra."

"Well, if you say so...but I'm paying for my own crepe." She reluctantly accepts as we both walk over to the crepe stand by the park's fountain.

Eventually, the girl got her order of a strawberry, chocolate, and cream filled crepe with extra sprinkles, and I got my chocolate chip fudge filled one. I paid for both in case you were wondering, despite the girl's protests insisting that she would pay.

Her ire was forgotten though after she took her first bite of the sickeningly sweet crepe. She let out a cute squeal as she savored the flavor. Following her example I took a bite as well.

It was amazing.

It is up there with ice cream as one of the food of the gods.

As I enjoyed the explosion of flavor, my eyes scanned the books the girl was holding. I note that they weren't story books or novels, instead they were all workbooks and textbooks.

"Did you come here to study?" I ask her.

"I did, yes. The park is a very relaxing place to study, so I enjoy it a lot."

"I can understand that feeling. The weather is perfect too, you get to feel a nice breeze. Though I feel it would be easier to study at a cafe or something."

"Maybe so, but places like that don't really fit me. There's way too many people, so I can't exactly focus really well. I do like coffee though."

"I see. My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji by the way, I'm from Class D."

"Oh! I completely forgot about introductions. I'm Nanami Yabu, Class C."

"That's a bit surprising..."

"What is?"

"Oh, nothing. From the rumors I hear, Class C was supposed to be filled with delinquents. You don't really seem to fit, that's all."

"Haha, right. It's not too far off the mark though, our class does have some of those types, my friend is one of them. They're really not as bad as they sound, however, so I hope you don't judge them too harshly."

"I'll keep that in mind. I've only met one other Class C student, and she was also really nice." Albeit a bit...unique.

"Oh, you've met someone else? Do you mind if I ask who it is?"

"Saki Yamashita was her name I believe. Do you know her?"

"Ah, Saki! Quite an eccentric girl that one. She's fun to be around though, you'll never get bored talking to her."

"You can say that again." She gives me a slight giggle.

"Hey, Nanami! This guy harassing you?" Another voice calls out. We both turn towards the voice, and I see two girls approach us. One gives me a hostile glance while the other tries to avoid eye contact.

"Shiho! What have I told you about being mean to others? Ayanokouji here was just keeping me company."

"Tch, whatever..." The girl is no longer as hostile, but she still gives me a slight glare. Yabu turns back to me and gives me a slight bow.

"I'm really sorry about her, I guarantee you she's not as bad as she may seem, it just takes her a while to warm up to people. These two are my friends, Shiho Manabe and Rika Morofuji." I turn to the two and give them a bow.

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."

"Yeah, yeah..." Manabe's glare does not fade in the slightest.

"..." Morofuji still can't look me in the eye. Another shy type, I suppose.

"Sorry, Ayanokoji, looks like I'll have to get going. It was really nice meeting you though!" Nanami says with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you too. Have a good day." I give her a slight wave as the trio of girls left the park. Well I guess that concludes my encounter for the day. Time to head back to the dorms while enjoying my crepe.

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