Rika Morofuji - Rehabilitation

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I received a message from Yabu asking me to meet her at the park. I'm not sure why, but it's not like I'll pass up the chance to meet up with a cute girl. So here I am, at the park yet again.

"Hello, Ayanokouji. I'm glad you're here." Nanami gives me a smile as I approach the bench she was sitting on.

"It was nothing. Studying again?" I ask her.

"I am. I need to keep my grades up after all, and I need to be able to help my friends with their studies." Yabu pats the pile of textbooks she has next to her.

"So, did you need something from me?" Her face turns serious for a moment.

"I do. Sorry, but I'll explain when my friend gets here."

"Hey, what did yo- You again!?" Ah, speak of the devil. Her friend, Manabe I believe, arrives at the scene just as she was mentioned.

"Shiho, I'm glad you're here. I can finally tell both of you my plan." Manabe's face morphs into one of confusion.

"Plan? What plan?"

"I was getting to that. Ayanokouji, I'm sure you remember my other friend that came here the last time we met, Rika Morofuji?"

"I do remember, yes." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Manabe's face change from confusion, to shock, then to horror.

"A-are you suggesting..." Yabu gives her a solemn nod.

"Rika...has a problem. I'm sure you've notcied something odd about her when you met her." My mind goes back to my last encounter at the park. When Morofuji and Manabe approached, Manabe was standing very protectively in front of her, she couldn't even look me in the eye, and she flinched whenever I talked.

"...I assumed she was just shy when meeting a new person, but now that you point it out, she looked terrified."

"...That's because she is terrified. It's not just with you, she's afraid of all boys. I won't tell you the exact reason why... but I'm sure you can guess it at this point." Nanami uncomfortably looks down. My mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. It's certainly not a pretty sight, and I hope I'm wrong about that.

"And you want me to help her get over her fear?" Yabu nods.

"...Can I give some constructive criticism regarding your plan?" Manabe suddenly pipes up.


"It sucks." ...Wow.

"Shiho, that's not constructive criticism!"

"Because it doesn't deserve constructive criticism! You're seriously going to let someone we don't know interact with her!? I can list at least five ways things can go horribly wrong off the top of my head!"

"Do you have a better plan!?" With a swing of her arm, the pile of textbooks next to Nanami gets knocked to the ground with a loud thud. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shocked, and from the way Manabe flinched and stayed quiet, she wasn't expecting this either. I haven't known Yabu that well, but just from what I do know, she isn't the type to get angry or raise her voice for no reason. Yabu quickly recomposes herself.

"Sorry, sorry... I just...don't want to see her break down again. One time is enough..." She mumbles. An akward silence ensues. Eventually, Manabe turns to me and gives me a stern look.

"...Hey, if you ever hurt Rika, I swear I'll make you regret it." She growls at me.

"I wasn't planning to. Though I am wondering why you chose me of all people." Yabu looks up and answers me.

"You seem like a nice guy. You don't look very intimidating, and your voice is always soft and calm. I'm hoping that will help prevent her from panicking. I'm really sorry to ask you for this favor, but can you just...talk with Rika? I was thinking to start off with just texting first. Then if Rika's comfortable with it, you can try calling her."

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